I gave TofuRobot a thumbs up for her post. But I'm really sorry. Her post deserves at least 4 thumbs up.
Most of what I will say just repeats what she said. But it is worth repeating. Maybe if you hear it enough it will sink in.
And I will apolgize in advance for being a little harsh. And although you may not have said this stuff to me before - I've heard it all before.
"I'm tired of vegan and vegetarian foods"
I'm sorry. but i am going to insult you.
Maybe the only reason you are tired of vegetarian foods is that you are uneducated, ignorant, or lazy. And if you have been vegan for two years... I'm afraid it might be all of those.
Let's just say there are only 2000 different recipes for vegan and vegetarian dishes. You could have a different one every day, three times a day, for two years, before you have to repeat the same dish.
but you know what, there are way more than 2000 dishes. Just go online or the library. there are recipes books and websites with subjects like
Vegan recipes under $3,
vegan recipes that take less than 15 minutes.
vegan recipes that use less than 5 ingredients, vegan recipes you can make in one pot. You should be able to find dozens that you have never had before. And meet your budget, or time constraints, or whatever.
But let's just assume you are just uneducated. In that case,
good news: you have come to the right place. We have some threads called "
what I had for dinner". or lunch. or breakfast. Our
What I had for dinner thread is now almost 30 pages long.
I'm tired of meeting vegan after vegan who seemingly only choose to be vegan for the fashionable status it may bring and to preach to meat eaters about how wrong they are.
I could be wrong but I don't think you will meet anyone like that here. We are all nice and tame vegans.
I want to carry on but become aware of the echo of our ancestors who have evolved and survived for millenia on a diet of meat and dairy
We only evolved to be able to tolerate dairy in the last 10,000 years. Before that, Everyone was lactose intolerant. Even today something like half the world's pop is lactose intolerant. So let's do the math. Homo sapiens has been around for at least 40,000 years. So 75% of their existence was dairy free. But Homo sapiens has been around 300,000 years. so H. sapiens was dairy free for 97% of its existence. And if I go back to the early Homos, its like half of one percent.
Now we can't actually put a date on when man started eating meat. But being that it is almost impossible to kill, butcher, and eat game without fire and stone tools we probably didn't eat any or much meat beforehand. Maybe grubs, eggs, and some other small slow moving animals. just like our cousins gorillas and chimps, our ancestors probably ate a very vegetarian diet. The discovery of Fire is less than 200,000 years ago. Stone tools are less than 2 million. So a big fraction of homo's existence had both. But... before Homo, there was a whole bunch of hominids who never had fire or tools. And they go back for 15 million years. so if you include them in our evolution timeline, only about 10% of our evolution was with meat.
But even if eating meat was part of our evolution. there is a great quote that says it best.
Just because we can doesn’t mean we should. Just because we once did doesn’t mean we always have to. Once we know better, I think we have the obligation and responsibility to do things better. - Colelen Patrick Goudreau
Anyway, welcome aboard and from now on I'll be nicer.