Hunt fiends

Oh my gosh this is so horrible, when will society learn that while some hunters are basically decent people, others are using it as an outlet to be a bully, even a sociopath. These hunters should be punished in a way that will leave an impression upon them. There's no need for this.
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I'm sorry but I have to disagree. I have no time whatsoever for these hunt people. They know full well what they are doing. I do feel a little sorry for the kids as they don't know any better. Just doing what they are told all in the name of 'tradition '.
Like to turn the tables on them and chase THEM through the countryside. See how they like it.
I'm with you Maurice. I've worked in an office rented out by an estate owner. It was near the game keeper's lodge. I got into more fights and arguments there than anywhere. Merciless, bloody minded, sadistic **** holes, each and every one of them. What's "sport" about ponces on horseback with dozens of hounds, terriermen and terriers going after one small animal without a hope? Makes my blood boil.
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I'm with you Maurice. I've worked in an office rented out by an estate owner. It was near the game keeper's lodge. I got into more fights and arguments there than anywhere. Merciless, bloody minded, sadistic **** holes, each and every one of them. What's "sport" about ponces on horseback with dozens of hounds, terriermen and terriers going after one small animal without a hope? Makes my blood boil.
These people make me sick. Tradition,they call it. Ha,what a load of absolute rubbish.
All unnecessary hunting is wrong. Anyone who hunts for “sport” should see a therapist.
Oh my gosh this is so horrible, when will society learn that while some hunters are basically decent people, others are using it as an outlet to be a bully, even a sociopath. These hunters should be punished in a way that will leave an impression upon them.