Does it hurt you to see people talking about how much they hate what’s happening to the planet, and then not do anything?
I don’t know if this belongs in Environment or Support, so I’m putting it here, but it can be moved if you need it to be. When me and my parents were walking the dog, we talked about what humans are doing to the environment and the climate and how horrible it is etc. etc. I found it hard to empathize. I don’t feel like they do anything. They went home and ate meat and cheese and stuff. They aren’t doing one of the single biggest things you can do to save the planet. That’s what first turned me vegetarian four or five years ago. I was a kid who was scared about everything happening and I didn’t have any way to vote or do anything, so I voted with my plate. Veganism came much later, after learning more about the animal cruelty aspects. I try to do other things too. I bike wherever I can. I don’t feel like most people who complain about the environment being how it is do anything in response. I do what I can as a teenager. I wish I could do more. I wish I could actively protest. But I feel like people say they care about the environment until personal sacrifices are required. And the whole thing grinds my gears.