How to encourage people to understand veganism?


Apr 4, 2022
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  1. Vegan
Hello to everyone. I registered this website right now. I have something to consult with vegan people.

I began vegan lifestyle November 2020 (one and half years ago) in Japan. Now I live in the US. Compared to the US, nobody understand my vegan lifestyle in Japan because the population of vegan is very very low there. In order to change this situation, I started my tweeter account and occasionally tweeted the contents about real scene behind animal products in Japanese. But some people are so aggressive and they replied to me "Do Not Force your views" " Are you feeling like becoming God??You are very arrogant" "Being vegan will cause a bad effect on intelligence like you". Those replies make me tired so much.

Furthermore, Japan is notoriously famous for capturing dolphins. I recently watched the documentary about one dolphin. She was captured in Taiji and kept in the small cage even after the aquarium was closed. She had nothing to do everyday so she just floating on the water for two years. And she died.

This documentary was so shocking to me so I strongly feel that we have to finish this cruelty. I watch documentary, read books and listen podcasts everyday to educate myself because I want to change the situation.

But the more tweets I have, the more attacks from non-vegan people come in. How can I encourage those people to understand veganism? Why are they so aggressively attack me? Should I stop twitter? But then, how can I stop many many animal abuses in the world?
I just want to ask some advice and some mental support so I post this. I appreciate any comments.
Thank you in advance.
I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you, but I applaud your efforts. It seems like people are always quick to attack or complain, and slow to reconsider the "status quo". Maybe you have helped reach someone, but they are not the ones who reply right away. You only hear from the people who respond in anger, not from the people who are slowly and quietly thinking over what you said.
Hello to everyone. I registered this website right now. I have something to consult with vegan people.

I began vegan lifestyle November 2020 (one and half years ago) in Japan. Now I live in the US. Compared to the US, nobody understand my vegan lifestyle in Japan because the population of vegan is very very low there. In order to change this situation, I started my tweeter account and occasionally tweeted the contents about real scene behind animal products in Japanese. But some people are so aggressive and they replied to me "Do Not Force your views" " Are you feeling like becoming God??You are very arrogant" "Being vegan will cause a bad effect on intelligence like you". Those replies make me tired so much.

Furthermore, Japan is notoriously famous for capturing dolphins. I recently watched the documentary about one dolphin. She was captured in Taiji and kept in the small cage even after the aquarium was closed. She had nothing to do everyday so she just floating on the water for two years. And she died.

This documentary was so shocking to me so I strongly feel that we have to finish this cruelty. I watch documentary, read books and listen podcasts everyday to educate myself because I want to change the situation.

But the more tweets I have, the more attacks from non-vegan people come in. How can I encourage those people to understand veganism? Why are they so aggressively attack me? Should I stop twitter? But then, how can I stop many many animal abuses in the world?
I just want to ask some advice and some mental support so I post this. I appreciate any comments.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you for caring. A friend told me that vegans intimidate other people. We are called arrogant because we point out the
truth of the cruelty behind the eating of animals. Humans do not want to think about that fact and call us arrogant as if we
are acting superior. We are simple truth-tellers.
However, the world of omnivores is arrogant but does not realize that fact. Meat-eating is glorified in the media, restaurants,
by cooks, the government, sports figures, and by males.
How about focusing on the HEALTH benefits of veganism?. Lower rates of cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure,
some cancers, and its' a remedy for erectile dysfunction!. Vegan men have HIGHER testosterone than omnivore men do. Vegan
athletes have more strength and stamina that other athletes do. Show them photos of elephants, gorilla, rhinocerous, and
other vegan animals--the largest in the world--they just eat plants. Patrick Baboumian is vegan and can lift 1200 pounds.
Look at these vegan bodybuilders, men respect muscles and strength and these men and women are muscular!.
Stay strong and believe in what you are doing to be compassionate. Good luck on your journey. I have been doing this for
20+ years and believe in what I am doing 100%; I love animals.
Hello to everyone. I registered this website right now. I have something to consult with vegan people.

I began vegan lifestyle November 2020 (one and half years ago) in Japan. Now I live in the US. Compared to the US, nobody understand my vegan lifestyle in Japan because the population of vegan is very very low there. In order to change this situation, I started my tweeter account and occasionally tweeted the contents about real scene behind animal products in Japanese. But some people are so aggressive and they replied to me "Do Not Force your views" " Are you feeling like becoming God??You are very arrogant" "Being vegan will cause a bad effect on intelligence like you". Those replies make me tired so much.

Furthermore, Japan is notoriously famous for capturing dolphins. I recently watched the documentary about one dolphin. She was captured in Taiji and kept in the small cage even after the aquarium was closed. She had nothing to do everyday so she just floating on the water for two years. And she died.

This documentary was so shocking to me so I strongly feel that we have to finish this cruelty. I watch documentary, read books and listen podcasts everyday to educate myself because I want to change the situation.

But the more tweets I have, the more attacks from non-vegan people come in. How can I encourage those people to understand veganism? Why are they so aggressively attack me? Should I stop twitter? But then, how can I stop many many animal abuses in the world?
I just want to ask some advice and some mental support so I post this. I appreciate any comments.
Thank you in advance.
As a vegetarian for most of my adult life and in more recent years a vegan I can say with some authority that the issue of how we treat our fellow animals is complicated, hypocritical and divisive but I have recently read a beautiful e-book on Amazon called 'The Very Best Day of My Life' by Bina Heneg which in my view should be on every school curriculum. It's a book for young adults but can and should be read by adults too. The message of this book is simple: what we are doing to poor unfortunate animals is wrong. I defy any meat eater to read this book and not be moved to think that there is a better way. I know there is a better way and have been living it all of my adult life. We just need to convince more people but that isn't easy. I think when people are aggressive you should respond politely with facts. Some day, hopefully in the not too distant future we will be proved right and then we can take pride in the fact that we were on the right side of history all along–it just took the rest of the world a little bit longer to catch up!.

Your doing the right thing, you care about all living things, and dont want them to suffer needlessly. Living things are aware and feel pain, all children realize this, and society tries to (usually duccessfully) brain wash us into thinking we need it to survive
All the science says we dont need meat and animal products, it just causes obesity, sickness, and disease in people