How to become famous?

Second Summer

Staff member
Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
If I wanted to become famous enough that it entitled me to get a Wikipedia article, what would I have to do? Please discuss.
I think that would have to be amateur porn involving the queen for that to work, or the pope or something.
Can't you just create a Wikipedia article for yourself?

Shoot a black kid and then claim you were just defending yourself.

Star in a reality TV show.

Walk a high wire between two tall buildings while naked.
Audition to be the next Batman, and win the audition.

or the next Doctor Who

or run for elected office and say something really head-slapping stupid. (Okay, that's a real stretch for a smart guy like IS, but it works for other people) :p
Start a band?

That in itself isn't going to get him famous. If it was a naked punk band that threw M&M's at the audience and exhorted their fans to support Pussy Riot and got on the evening news for being in a car crash or something, THAT would work.