Hello from Austria


Jun 9, 2016
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Hi all,
My family and I have been vegan for 9 years, although my son decided a couple of years ago that outside out home he would be a vegetarian.
Ten years ago, stores in Austria offered few vegan foods aside from tofu and soy milk, but nowadays most stores have their own line of veggie products and that's awesome.
I'm a writer, my book about a vegan trying to get along with her omnivore family was published this year, and has received great reviews from vegans and "normal" folks. so that's pretty thrilling.
I'm looking forward to making new friends on here and meeting likeminded people.
Hallo Marion, schoen, dass Du auch da bist :)!

Greetings from a fellow Austrian who however has been living abroad for the last 20 years.

Best regards,
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Welcome, Marion! I'm in a vegan family as well.

That's interesting and impressive about the book. Have you by any chance read the book The Vegetarian by the Korean author Han Kang? I haven't read it, but it sounds like it's vaguely in the same category. (But probably not!)
Servus Andreas,
It's kinda funny that you've been abroad for 20 years; I did the same, I spent 20 years in California, where I met my hubby and had my kids. Been back in Austria for about 10 years.

Hallo Marion, schoen, dass Du auch da bist :)!

Greetings from a fellow Austrian who however has been living abroad for the last 20 years.

Best regards,
I've heard about The Vegetarian, but I haven't read it yet, it does sound interesting, and I hope I get around to reading it soon.

Welcome, Marion! I'm in a vegan family as well.

That's interesting and impressive about the book. Have you by any chance read the book The Vegetarian by the Korean author Han Kang? I haven't read it, but it sounds like it's vaguely in the same category. (But probably not!)
It's that good??? Maybe I'll skip it then.

Mine is called Life is Fair. I know I shouldn't say this about my own work, but it's a strange read. Still, everyone I've talked to loved it.

From what I have heard about that book, I hope not :confused:

Marion, maybe you can share the title of your book....
:welcome: Hi Marion! Welcome to Veggieviews.

Where in California did you live? I'm a native of and a lifelong resident of Los Angeles County.
Hi and welcome!

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oh man, banana slugs and the campus, seems like a lifetime ago that I was there. It was a great place to live and had an awesome farmer's market every week. I doubt I'll find the quality of fresh veggies and oh the strawberries anywhere here where some years we have snow for 6 months and everything is imported from Spain

Great place, Santa Cruz. My niece went to UC Santa Cruz. She was a banana slug. :D