Have a lot of questions


Mar 11, 2019
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  1. Vegan newbie
I've been vegetarin for almost a year and a vegan for month and a half. i know that i choose right,i love the way i live and what i eat,but still sometimes i feel bad...i have low tempreture all the time ,i am sleepy, not in a good mood ,often bloated, have lack of energy all the time ,even though i am eating mostly fruits and berries. i dont know if it connects in some way with the way i choose to live but recently i have read an article about the man who eats only fruits, nuts ,berries, and some veggies, and he said that at first he felt awful, always tired etc .and he said that it is called detoxication of a body from previous food he had. can it be that what i am going through is cleansing right now?
I'm glad you decided to go vegan and that you're so happy with your decision!

If you consume mainly fruit and berries, it's no surprise that you're not feeling energetic, though. Fruits entail mainly sugar and acids, which is not what your diet should be based on. Of course, the occasional fruit (and sometimes a lot of fruit) is not unhealthy, but you need a balanced diet (not just fruit and greens) to be truly healthy.

A lack of energy could originate from a lack of iron, carbohydrates,...
I would suggest, you try new things like cooking with lentils, rice, chickpeas, different kinds of potatoes etc.
Personally, I use a lot of those and my energy level is pretty good. I also didn't have this feeling you described when I first went vegan, and I think it might be because your diet may not be balanced enough. If you want some cooking advice, feel free to contact me, I have experimented a lot in the kitchen to get my diet as balanced (and tasty) as possible :)
You can have oatmeal in the morning to get some energy that wont make you sluggish, potato, etc. Just fruits and berries isn't a lot... nutrition is largely a religion, just paying attention to calories seems to be the most important thing and then just eating what you want will even it out over the long run
I eat different grains and lentils, for example i have a little of oatmeal with berries and banana, some kind of fruit or nuts for snack. some kind of grains and lentils with a lot of veggies .and for dinner i usually have baked apple with berries or citrus fruits. i believe i get every element i need ,i even supplement with vitamins B, but something does not work as it should though..
Do you eat baked apple every evening?

Try to shake things up a little, if you eat the same things every day, your diet will wind up lacking other nutrients. Too much fruit is not healthy. Try to cook different things for dinner. Too much acids, sugar and vitamin C and lacking vitamin E, fats, carbohydrates and protein may be origin to your feeling not so well
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I've been vegetarin for almost a year and a vegan for month and a half. i know that i choose right,i love the way i live and what i eat,but still sometimes i feel bad...i have low tempreture all the time ,i am sleepy, not in a good mood ,often bloated, have lack of energy all the time ,even though i am eating mostly fruits and berries. i dont know if it connects in some way with the way i choose to live but recently i have read an article about the man who eats only fruits, nuts ,berries, and some veggies, and he said that at first he felt awful, always tired etc .and he said that it is called detoxication of a body from previous food he had. can it be that what i am going through is cleansing right now?

Frutarians exist (fruits, vegetables (including potato) and water (some use seeds, but if I understand fruitarianism, not usually) and some that I’ve seen seem to thrive…

But if you’re just starting veganism, the sub category of fruitarianism isn’t something I’d suggest. Bloating and gas are normal when you start eating vegan, no matter what the particulars – this is primarily from more fiber and is normal (it doesn't last forever, your body will adjust). Sometimes however it can be caused in part by not soaking grains/legumes overnight. It is a good idea to do this to help reduce bloating as well as for other reasons. Fortunately, one need not task oneself with soaking every night. You can soak a bunch overnight then freeze them in portion size baggies to cook when needed.

Include whole grains (whole wheat, brown/black/red rice, oats etc) and in addition legumes in your diet. Include a variety and you will not need B vitamin supplements. Nature’s food provides you with it, and with the right microbiome (intestinal flora that eat primarily fiber and resistant starch) some of these are actually produced by gut flora.

One must eat a lot of fruit and veggies to meet calorie needs. It’s hard to do, especially if you’re just starting out. In addition to these, I would include more whole grains and legumes, and if you are still not getting enough calories, fats like tahini, peanut butter, flax etc.

All the best.
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