Flushing the loo


Forum Devotee
Feb 22, 2014
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At the risk of this sounding like one of those Top Tips in Viz, I flush the loo using the washing up water once I have finished with it, which might have the odd bit of food residue in it from the plate or saucepan. But given that what goes down the bog is undigested food anyway, it seems pretty sensible use of several litres of water to me.
Hmmm ...

A squirt of washing up liquid in the cistern and, before flushing, place your dirty dishes in the pan.

My special 'pre-wash' system is remaining a secret though.
That works, so far as it goes. However: there was a time when the flush mechanism to my toilet broke and I had to flush this way temporarily before it was fixed. I found that this way of flushing is not as sanitary. A film builds up inside the bowl more than when the flushing water runs down evenly over the whole surface from under the rim.
But if I have had a really heavy dump, which is one of the drawbacks of a high-fibre vegan diet, then flush 1 can be from the washing up bowl, whilst flush 2 can be from the cistern; rather than having to flush the cistern twice.
Some people use their old bathwater to flush their loo to save water.
Do people still bathe ? I only have a shower and would never use that much water to wash my self.:p

I usually have a bath and a 5 minute shower everyday, my husband has the bath after me and we have a tiny bath so I don't feel too guilty about it. :DI do donate to the charity Water Aid too.
Some people use their old bathwater to flush their loo to save water.
I used to do that but it meant keeping a bucket or some other container in the bath. I also used to use bathwater for watering the lawn. Nowadays to save water, I use the shower which is in any case over the bath, rather than having a bath on a Saturday. And yes I do have a shower on a Sunday as well, which is why I don't want a bath still partly filled with bathwater from the day before. During the week I cycle to work and have a shower when I get there.
Nothing wrong with this. I think it's a good idea. Especially living in California with the drought.
Use a bucket toilet and save your grey water for your plants.

disclaimer: I don't do this, but I think it's a good idea. (I also think lawns should be outlawed - waste of water).
I also think lawns should be outlawed - waste of water.

Yes, very green. You'd like it here where a lot of people do it voluntarily, block paving over their gardens to create extra parking spaces.
Yes, very green. You'd like it here where a lot of people do it voluntarily, block paving over their gardens to create extra parking spaces.
Not in favor of covering gardens up for parking.

I like gardens. I like trees. I especially like xeriscaping in place of lawns.

I don't like that many places don't have enough water for the crops, and the fish are suffering from the heat and dying because the water level has been pulled down too far.

Lawns are a waste. They are mainly for looks and ego. They have extremely little benefit to the environment, and waste a immense amount of water.

Before you criticize you should know what your criticizing about.
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People water their lawns?

Guess that living in a not-so-dry climate helps.
Not in favor of covering gardens up for parking.

I like gardens. I like trees. I especially like xeriscaping in place of lawns.

I had to google that. I agree.
Not in favor of covering gardens up for parking.

I like gardens. I like trees. I especially like xeriscaping in place of lawns.

I don't like that many places don't have enough water for the crops, and the fish are suffering from the heat and dying because the water level has been pulled down too far.

Lawns are a waste. They are mainly for looks and ego. They have extremely little benefit to the environment, and waste a immense amount of water.

Before you criticize you should know what your criticizing about.
