Fish Oil and Omega 3's Don't Prevent Heart Attacks

I could never get behind fish oil even when I was omni. I did try them once, long ago (my grandma is WAY into supplements and gave me a bottle of fish oil capsules), and every time I took them I'd spend the next 12 hours burping up nasty-*** fish-flavored burps. Ugh.

Also, I don't know how fish oil is actually obtained, but I picture a machine like a pasta maker, with two rollers and a crank, and the poor fishes being put through and the oil dripping out below. So. Gross.
I'm so glad to read this; I'm sick of hearing about fish oil. My brother in law got mercury poisoning years ago from eating 5 cans of tuna a week plus a fish oil capsule each day. Real healthy.
Ummmmm.....Algae oil is far better for omega dha. Ask the fish....or nutritionists.
I don't have anything to say about heart health, but I've noticed improvement in attentiveness after taking algae dha once a day for a couple weeks. I've been taking it ever since.
I could never get behind fish oil even when I was omni. I did try them once, long ago (my grandma is WAY into supplements and gave me a bottle of fish oil capsules), and every time I took them I'd spend the next 12 hours burping up nasty-*** fish-flavored burps. Ugh.

Everyone I've known who takes fish oil capsules all complain about the burping. :yuck:Sounds absolutely disgusting.

I'm so glad to read this; I'm sick of hearing about fish oil. My brother in law got mercury poisoning years ago from eating 5 cans of tuna a week plus a fish oil capsule each day. Real healthy.

That's scary! :(
I don't think I'd heard of that as a reason to take it anyway. It was usually something to do with the brain. I did notice some improvement in focus when I tried it some years ago, but I couldn't bring myself to take it anyway because I absolutely hated the taste of fish. Taking the pills felt like licking a bait bucket. :confused:
Why are we even discussing FISH oil, when algae provides the same omega DHA ? Fish get it from algae!
To me it's like complaining about vitamins in gelatin capsules when veg capsules are available!
Why are we even discussing FISH oil, when algae provides the same omega DHA ? Fish get it from algae!
To me it's like complaining about vitamins in gelatin capsules when veg capsules are available!

No one here is debating the merits of fish oil. We all agree that it's not a good choice. The point of the thread was to bring attention to the fact that it has been shown not to have the beneficial effects that many Omnis claim.
"The answer was to go to the source, to algae. But not the algae that make the flax-type omega-3s; rather, the microscopic algae that make DHA itself. Cut out the middleman — or middle fish and middle krill, as it were. Raised-on-the-farm algae yield DHA that is sustainable and can carry the vegetarian label, as well as being eligible for certification as kosher and organic. Algae-derived DHA is approved for infant formulas and already is found in many applications, including fruit juices, milk, soy milk, cooking oil, sauces and tortillas.
But is algae DHA as effective at conveying the heart-healthy properties as the DHA we derive from fish oil? Many studies suggest the answer is yes, but a comprehensive review of the literature was needed.
Such was published on the first of this year in The Journal of Nutrition. Researchers from the Wellness Institute of the Cleveland Clinic, the Dept. of Nutrition and Dept. of Epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health, Channing Laboratory, Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Harvard Medical School conducted a systematic review of randomized controlled trials published between 1996 and 2011.
The research teams examined the relation between algal DHA supplementation and cardiovascular disease risk factors, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. They found that supplementation with algal DHA reduced triglycerides and raised HDL-cholesterol. This was similar to what had been reported. However, algal DHA also raised concentrations of LDL-cholesterol, although the increase was accompanied by a change in the type of LDL cholesterol to the larger, less-atherogenic form. Further research is recommended because many of the studies reviewed were funded by industries.
For now, DHA from algae seems to be a sustainable, alternative source of DHA that can satisfy both the demands of consumers and the needs of vegetarians, as well as fulfilling most, if not all, the health benefits currently established with omega 3s."

It does sound well researched that omega dha is beneficial. I've experienced enough that I take algae dha daily, my only other supplement being Deva calcium+.
I simply don't see why the point of discussing whether an animal sourced supplement is beneficial when there's a vegan alternative. Shouldn't the discussion be are omega dha's beneficial?
The point to this discussion is that tons of omnis take a fish oil supplement because they believe it's some kind of magical cure-all. People aren't told that "DHA supplements" are good for you, or that algae supplements are a good alternative, they're told that fish oil, specifically, is what they should be taking.
The study posted in the OP show that fish oil is not all it's been made out to be.
Well, people should be told there is a better alternative!
Vmega was listed on my amazon gold box deal, and since I'd just read about how some people didn't process the usual blend of omegas into dha, and why dha was good--I tried it. I'm not much into supplements, but I'll be darned if it didn't help my focus and concentration! I'd been going through some stressful times. So, I stopped for a while to confirm it, and then started again and ordered more.
The reviews weren't mostly from vegans either, but people who hated fish oil for the above reasons.
Omega dha is particularly good for pregnant woman, babies and kids. It's good for heart health.
Silk soymilk called "heart healthy" is made with algae dha.