Fertility of the soil

I just don't think that the false figures that are published help your cause.

I'm curious which false figures you're referring to. Can you provide the false figures you're referring to, and post the actual facts, if you believe them wrong...with their sources? I'd really like to see what figures you believe are wrong.
I'm curious which false figures you're referring to. Can you provide the false figures you're referring to, and post the actual facts, if you believe them wrong...with their sources? I'd really like to see what figures you believe are wrong.

Perhaps start with the green house gas figures, perhaps you could let me know which figures you would like to put forward, and if I disagree I will put my case. (I think that's the idea of a discussion forum :)),
The truth is the figures change, as does the science and research. There's no absolutes in science, right? However, to deny they exist or the threat exists is naive.

Nonetheless, I challenged you to show the figures that you believe are false. You made the claim of falsehood, but then don't back it up. The burden was on you to provide the source of false facts., not me.

Furthermore, you're the one coming into the vegan forum stirring up the pot. The burden of truth wass on you. If I went to some agriculture forum with my views of veganism I highly doubt I would've been given as much benefit of the doubt as you've been given here.

You've had your chance to prove your case, but fail in my humble opinion. You have yet to convince anyone of anything factual. Instead you seem to want to get under people's skin. That's my observation, and I have been watching closely. I mean why else would you come here if you didn't have a bone to pick with vegans? (pun not intended)

So, do you have any facts to support your argument? If you do, I suggest you post them. I'd be happy to discuss them with you. Please remember, you're in our house. The burden of proof should be on you. Show us your facts or are you talking out your butt?

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ou've had your chance to prove your case, but fail in my humble opinion. You have yet to convince anyone of anything factual. Instead you seem to want to get under people's skin. That's my observation, and I have been watching closely. I mean why else would you come here if you didn't have a bone to pick with vegans? (pun not intended)

I've only been here for a few days, and enjoyed some discussions with some members, I've raised a few issues and some of them have been responded to and some haven't. It's not a case of proving points, I'm not trying to convince people not to be Vegan, its a free choice for what ever reason it is made.
You know what - there are a lot of things that consumers demand that one can choose to sell, or not. Child pornography is one, but alas, this farmer has chosen to align himself killing animals, when he could choose otherwise. This is why I have no interest in "debating figures."

How sweet that a farmer is telling vegans that we have our "free choice" to be vegan. We have discussed people like you before - how cringe-worthy it is when people say they "don't mind" if we're vegan. Well, newsflash - we DO mind that you choose to kill others when it's totally not necessary. This ain't no "free" choice business.
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You know what - there are a lot of things that consumers demand that one can choose to sell, or not. Child pornography is one, but alas, this farmer has chosen to align himself killing animals, when he could choose otherwise. This is why I have no interest in "debating figures."

How sweet that a farmer is telling vegans that we have our "free choice" to be vegan. We have discussed people like you before - how cringe-worthy it is when people say they "don't mind" if we're vegan. Well, newsflash - we DO mind that you choose to kill others when it's totally not necessary. This ain't no "free" choice business.

I find it quite disgusting that you choose to sell child pornography do you not realise that that is an illegal activity, you should be reported. Gross. And others choose to be associated with you.
I find it quite disgusting that you choose to sell child pornography do you not realise that that is an illegal activity, you should be reported. Gross. And others choose to be associated with you.

Having sex with children over the age of ten or twelve was legal at one point in time, and so was owning slaves. It takes people like us (ethical vegans, etc) to step forward and demand that society protect other living beings who may not be able to defend themselves due to being a baby or a marginalized person of an ethnic minority or an enslaved animal. TR doesn't "sell child pornography" she was obviously using it as an example, but this is just how you seem respond to people here, in complete non-sequitrs that are vaguely insulting.

I have grown plants on just urine (added to soil, not directly to plants) and soil mixed with wood ash. I'm currently experimenting with a Ruth Stout garden, which is growing in hay. I'm new to this type of garden and like you, expect minimal results initially from the effort. That being said, I have numerous thriving potato plants going in a relatively small space that have required very little water that isn't supplied by rain, and almost no work.

I hope the plants continue to thrive, but beware that the initial growth that you see above ground is sourcing a lot of its nutrients from the parent tuber, once the plant has developed a good canopy, then it draws nutrients from the sun, moisture and whatever substance its roots are growing in to form the new tubers that create the harvest, if those nutrients are inadequate the plant will flounder and die.