

forever seeking fire
Jun 4, 2012
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  1. Vegan
I used to draw a lot in school, because of how boring it was there... :p
After I stopped going to school, I stopped drawing as much. Now I'm starting to get back into it.
I did these both following tutorials, but I hope to do draw better and without needing tutorials. Didn't have drawing paper and I dislike drawing on tablets.
I want to draw on the computer, but it feels too unnatural.
Anyone else want to share their own drawings?
I just saw this thread. Very nice, Danielle! You have a very distinctive personal style.
Ooh, I don't think I've seen this before. Very nice! Show us more :)

I too used to draw a lot when I was in school. I've done a little bit again after little miss Summer started to show an interest and talent. Also, many of the books she reads have surprisingly nice artwork.
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I too used to do a lot of drawing, and some painting and some clay work when I was in school. It was a big release for me.

I hadn't really done any since I graduated from high school. I can get pretty obsessive about it, and first uni and then work were very demanding.

Last fall, a bunch of people on the knitters board I frequent participated in Inktober. There 's a prompt for every day in October, and the participants are to use that prompt to make an ink drawing. I jumped in halfway through. I bought a sketchbook and some sepia ink to use in one of my fountain pens, and then a few brushes so that I could add some ink washes to my drawings.
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@Mischief - those are brilliant! You could write a story or poem to go with them, and they would be instantly publishable material :)

That's extremely kind of you, IS, but the fact is that while I perhaps had the capacity to be a fairly decent draftsman, I have always lacked the spark of creativity that makes an artist.

But still, it gives me pleasure to draw, and I need to make myself do more of it. Depression has been kicking my butt the past several months, and that makes it hard to do the things that give one pleasure.

What media do you like to use? I'd like to see some of your work.
What media do you like to use? I'd like to see some of your work.
Pen and paper :) I made some comic strips back in the day, and I've also done some "pixel art" on the computer. Unfortunately, through inactivity, my talents have now deteriorated a fair bit. But it's never too late to get started again! With some effort maybe I could get back to somewhere near the level I was at once upon a time. Also, since I now have so much more life experience, I should be able to write a lot better stories around my drawings.

I'll try to post some of my drawings once I get back to England, though be warned, they are the work of a conceited amateur :)
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Pen and paper :) I made some comic strips back in the day, and I've also done some "pixel art" on the computer. Unfortunately, through inactivity, my talents have now deteriorated a fair bit. But it's never too late to get started again! With some effort maybe I could get back to somewhere near the level I was at once upon a time. Also, since I now have so much more life experience, I should be able to write a lot better stories around my drawings.

I'll try to post some of my drawings once I get back to England, though be warned, they are the work of a conceited amateur :)

I look forward to seeing some of your work.

I have encountered a number of artists who didn't even start until they were older than I am now. One was a woman whose medium was hammered metal. Her pieces were remarkable - abstract, very organic, and, to me at least, reminiscent of some of the most delicate of sea life.
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Well, if you insist :p As I'm visiting my parents, I actually have a few of my old drawings here. All these are from when I was about 17 or 18.

I think this first one was sort of a self-portrait - showing what I felt I looked like more than what I actually looked like. Lovely, I know!

The next one is titled "sustainable development". The guy is sitting / jumping on a jumping ball which is also simultaneously the Earth. I apologise to all Americans in advance ...!

And then the last one is just an unfinished sketch, drawn with a pencil. The title is "A Teddy's House". (The title is inspired by the famous play by Ibsen called A Doll's House). The text is in Norwegian, but it's about a little teddy who is being oppressed by his authoritarian father who apparently likes to watch the TV news.
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You are really good @Mischief !

I don't draw anymore, and aren't half as good as you. But I see if I find some old ones one day to show off. :)
Very, very expressive! They convey a great deal of your teenage self. See, that's one of the differences between art and the draftsmanship I mentioned above.