Health Issues Dandruff


Forum Legend
May 5, 2012
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Ew, I know.

I've never really had a problem with this before..maybe a flaky day or two, but I'm struggling a bit now. It seems every single inch of me (including my hair/scalp) has changed post-Freya. Eek.

Anyone have luck treating dandruff? I got some nice, vegan Jason shampoo, but it's hideously expensive when not on sale. Additionally, it has that lovely dog-shampoo sorta scent goin on. Blech.

It's not too itchy, except some along the part in my hair, but I'm getting some flakes. The shampoo seems to be helping a lot though so far (like 4 days)
Baking soda. Mix a little with water to make a paste and work around gently on the scalp, then wash with the usual shampoo/conditioner. Optionally, at the end you can do an apple cider vinegar and water rinse. Helps out the ph of the hair. You only smell like a salad for a little while. :D

It could also be that you need to clarify. Are you using a silicone-based S/C? It can build up after a while. Getting a good clarifying shampoo, like Suave, doing that every so often to remove the build up.
Hm. No silicone shampoo. I've heard about apple cider vinegar before, but nevver baking soda. That stuff is good for everything! I'll give it a try soon. We were at my folks house on vacation and they have horrible water pressure so I'm sure there were some days that I didn't get rinsed well. Add in some extra stress, extra sugar, not washing hair every day (which I used too), all that hormonal's a wonder I'm not bald.
Tea tree oil products are good- if you like the smell!
Vinegar and water rinses do it for me! I don't so much get flakes as much as an itchy scalp.

I think just the water being different could be the problem, the ph level.