Thanks everyone and thanks Bob for such a detailed reply and interest to help.
My spouse is diabetic and wears the Freestyle libre monitor. As a self-professed gadget nerd, purchased a 14 day sensor ($60) for educational/informational purposes. My A1C is good (5.1), my fasting glucose levels are normally 95.
My bigger and obviously VERY serious issue is one I just learned a few days ago when my doctor called with disturbing results from a cardiac CT scan of the heart. My calcium score was 464 which means: "Extensive atherosclerotic plaque. High likelihood of at least one significant coronary narrowing.". I heard the alarm in my primary doc's voice when she insisted I immediately start a 40mg statin, a baby aspirin get a cardiology apt ASAP (mine in tomorrow).
The reason I had that calcium score test done is my cholesterol has been high-ish (200-230) for many years. I have no heart symptoms, no chest pain, no shortness of breath. I walk 4 miles each day (back and forth to work).
I'm 51, 5'10" tall, 190 pounds. I'm active, in good health. My only health issue is crohn's which has been in remission 30 years!!!
The consequence of being hospitalized 2 weeks, 30 years ago from an acute crohn's attack is it left an 18 inch portion of my small intestine severely scarred and very narrowed. That means if I eat anything that isn't digested into a liquified state by the time it reaches the end of my small intestine, I'll end up in the hospital with a small bowel obstruction. That has happened 3 times in 30 years - dangerous and unpleasant.
This is not an issue for meat and refined carbs as those digest to mush just fine. However, I can't eat salad, raw nuts, or raw veggies. If out, I can't eat most cooked veggies, other than potatoes.
So, for the last 30 years, I've been on a "meat and potatoes" diet. Years ago, I really embraced the Paleo lifestyle. I was pretty well indoctrinated into the view that saturated fats are stable and the good fats. I'd always opt for coconut oil and butter and avoid soy/corn oil.
Coincidentally, in the month leading up to getting this disturbing cardiac news, I had been binge-watching youtube videos from "Healthy Happy Vegan" and "Mic the Vegan" because I wanted to get my cholesterol numbers down. Mic the Vegan made me question that the true villains in heart disease were inflammation caused by sugar and polyunsaturated seed oils.
So, here I am, 1 day before my cardiology apt and I'm really anxious and sad.
I feel shame and anticipate all of my friends blaming my paleo ways for my current cardiac predicament. (Much like the smoker being blamed for lung cancer).
However, I did some googling yesterday I found lots of references to crohn's and arteriosclerosis in the context of systemic inflammation attacking the arteries as well as the intestines. With only 1 data point, there's no way to know if the artery damage happened 30 years ago when my body attacked the 18 inch section of intestine, or was caused by my current diet. There may also be a heredity component as my dad died at 71 during a quadruple bypass surgery.
I'm willing to drastically change my diet but feel really handcuffed not being able to order salad and veggies if out.
I can eat chickpeas, quinoa as veggie sources of protein without needing to blend in my vitamix.
As I'm reading Dr. Essylsten's book the idea of ZERO oil / added fat leaves me feeling there's not a lot I can eat.
So, if I'm in town, hungry, walk into a 7-11 or fast food place, what the heck could I eat?
- Peanuts,
- plain bagel,
- cheese stick,
- lowfat yogurt (high in sugar),
- banana?
- Hamburger
- French fries ?
Obviously, I'm posting this in a vegan forum so that rules out dairy and meat.
I now have severe cardiac issues so that rules out fat (french fries) and nuts.
Sure, I could have a banana and plain bagel and I know from past experience that will make me fat (an independent risk factor for heart disease).
I guess I'll know more tomorrow.
It's truly amazing how everything can change in just one day.
Thanks for reading this,