Books about cooking


Mar 4, 2018
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Hi, I'm looking for some books about vegan cooking, but not books with recipes, but more like books with information for example why do you add oil to cakes, what are the differences between different types of flour or oil etc. Could anyone recommend some to me? :)
I don't know of any books like that, specifically, but I do know a lot of cookbooks offer more than just recipes. I would think some cookbooks will have information like this in them as well as recipes. Many of my old traditional cookbooks did. I know the vegan subject is becoming way more popular, so I'm sure something like this might already be available now or perhaps soon.

In the meantime, there is no better tool than the Internet for many of those answers. I could browse blogs and articles on the subject for hours. YouTube is a great resource for both information and recipes.

This guy just released a new cookbook. I love his YouTube channel, and the food he cooks is amazing. He offers some instructional culinary videos on his channel. I'm not sure this is even remotely what you're looking for, but the guy is worth checking out if you like vegan cuisine.