Am I supporting to animal exploitation-Fast Food Job?

Annie Louise

Apr 24, 2021
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  1. Vegan
Am I supporting/ contributing to animal exploitation by working in fast food?

Earlier this week I was at Jersey Mikes getting a sub, and I suppose the lady checking me out recognized me, since I come in so often, and get a very “bare” sub since there is no meat or cheese in it. She said they were hiring and I should apply, I said I would look into it. Later that day I applied online, then went in for an interview shortly after and got the job, I started soon. Since I always get the same veggie sub every time I go there, I guess it didn't occur to me that 99% of their menu is meat and animal products. I'm certain that the lady who hired me know I'm vegan, because she knows I get the same thing every time with no animal products, and everyone else there seem so nice, it's a very laid back job, so I'm sure If I explained to them the situation they would let me work upfront with all the veggies, or work at the cash register, or have me do other tasks that don't involve handling meat, and even if they don't, I have come to terms with the fact that I may have to cook & handle meat. Im 16 years old, so I can't say I need this job to survive or anything, I mostly want the job for the experience, and for extra spending money. There aren't aren't any vegan restaurants near me, or really any jobs that align with my beliefs. Obviously this isn't the ideal place for a vegan to work, and it's not like I plan on working here forever, It's just a starter job.

My biggest question is, am I supporting/ contributing to animal exploitation by working at Jersey Mikes? Here is what I'm thinking, but I need other people's opinions and input, as I fear I may be biased because I really want a job:

By working at Jersey mikes I'm not creating a demand for animal products, like I would be if i were to say, order a meat sub from there. They have a set amount of employees they need, so If It's not me working there, it would be someone else. People will come in and order what they want, regardless if it's me, or someone else behind the counter. I'm not condoning, supporting, or encouraging people to come eat meat by working there. I won't be advertising the restaurant or anything, and If people ask me what's good on the menu I will probably tell them what is most popular on the menu, or offer them a veggie sub. I will try to find the line between encouraging and glorifying the animal products we sell, and talking down upon them to the point that I would get fired or in trouble. I also don't think the goal of veganism is to refrain from ordering or working with restaurants like Jersey Mike and other places that serve or sell meat. Change has to happen within the consumers of said business, rather than the business itself. Gradually as more people become vegan, there will become a higher demand for vegan options, and they will be forced to supply them, until hopefully, one day (even though this may take a long long time) that's all they serve & sell. So by me ordering a vegan sub, while it may be small, Is helping us move towards that. We're not trying to put these companies out of business, we just want them to shift their menus to be cruelty & exploitation free. Even though their entire brand is dependent and built around animal products, I believe we can gradually transition to a vegan menu overtime.

Again please share your opinion and viewpoint, I would love your input, thanks!
Do you need the job?

Do you have other choices for work?

You are a living being too. Don't let yourself be judged or judge yourself for having needs and not having as many options as other people.
How far you incorporate veganism in your life is really dependant on your situation
I think it's riduculous to compare a parent working overtime, balancing time with kids and money needs with a single higher paid person.
It's how you feel about it.
I had Jersey Mikes from a work event and it was awful :worried:. I'd go for Subway....but that's me!
I think that your life as a vegan will change and evolve over time as everyone's life does, vegan or not. If it hurts your heart too much to stay there, then you will move on, if you can deal with it then you will stay and get some experience.

Congrats for being vegan at 16!

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
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It is rough even finding a job. Filling out resumes, going to the interviews, not hearing back usually. I'm not sure I'd want to work at a sub place myself though.
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Do you need the job?

Do you have other choices for work?

You are a living being too. Don't let yourself be judged or judge yourself for having needs and not having as many options as other people.
I wouldn't say I need the job, as I still live with my parents who pay for all my necessities, this is why I'm a bit conflicted. I want a job for the experience and for extra spending money. I have other choices, but they're just as bad (like burger kings & stuff like that) there aren't really any vegan restaurants or jobs near me. Obviously this isn't the ideal place to work, Im just wondering if, and what I would be contributing to animal suffering by working there?
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It is rough even finding a job. Filling out resumes, going to the interviews, not hearing back usually. I'm not sure I'd want to work at a sub place myself though.
Yeah I understand, I'm willing to put my own comfort to the side having to handle meat, as long as I know Im not contributing to animal suffering by working there. What are you thoughts, do you think I am?
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How far you incorporate veganism in your life is really dependant on your situation
I think it's riduculous to compare a parent working overtime, balancing time with kids and money needs with a single higher paid person.
It's how you feel about it.
I had Jersey Mikes from a work event and it was awful :worried:. I'd go for Subway....but that's me!
Haha, I love Jersey Mikes Veggie sub without the cheese, idk subway just doesn't cut it for me! :joy: Also I get what you mean about doing whats realistic for your own situation, like I said before, I'm willing to put my own comfort to the side having to handle meat, as long as I know Im not contributing to animal suffering by working there. What are you thoughts, do you think I am?
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I think that your life as a vegan will change and evolve over time as everyone's life does, vegan or not. If it hurts your heart too much to stay there, then you will move on, if you can deal with it then you will stay and get some experience.

Congrats for being vegan at 16!

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
Thank you! :blush: I think I can tolorate handling meat, as long as I know Im not contributing to animal suffering by working there. What are you thoughts, do you think I am?
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Thank you! :blush: I think I can tolorate handling meat, as long as I know Im not contributing to animal suffering by working there. What are you thoughts, do you think I am?
I feel your views about working in a place that serves meat are right on--I don't think you're contributing to demand, and might even make peoples choices for veggie subs easier.
What about other places, like Dunkin' or coffee shops? Smoothie shops--or even seasonal work like landscaping or parks?
I don't how long you've been vegan, but I'd be nauseous around meat for that long. Something to think about
Yeah I understand, I'm willing to put my own comfort to the side having to handle meat, as long as I know Im not contributing to animal suffering by working there. What are you thoughts, do you think I am?
I don't think you would be.
Once I had a job at a pet store, part of that job was selling live feeder rats and mice. Hated that part and I was sorta relieved when the store closed. Other people will continue to sell live feeders sure but at least I don't. Even though I wasn't personally feeding the snakes the live animals myself I still put them in the boxes for the customers to. Felt bad about that. I had pet rats at home. It may be easier to disconnect if its not a live animal you're dealing with I guess.
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Your empathy and compassion shine through at such a young age. Good for you. When I was 16, the last thing I thought about was animals. I didn't care much about anything or anyone. I was a bad seed.

Here are my thoughts on your dilemma. Since you are 16, you still live with your parents and they support you. You would like a job but do not need one. I personally would prefer not to be around meat. The smell of it disturbs me to say the least. When I walk past the meat section in grocery stores, I would hold my breath. I don't even want to look at the meat because I know how it got there. :pensive:

Take your time looking for a job that doesn't involve meat. I'm sure there are many organizations you can work for that you find interesting and will benefit your personal growth. Try to think about what you enjoy. No need to jump into a job just to have a job especially when you have to serve meat which goes against your beliefs.

However, at the end of the day, the decision is yours. And I will not judge you in whatever you decide to do. I only send you positive vibes and am proud you are thinking as you do.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" Hippocrates

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If you are fine with working with the meat and jobs that are ethical are scarce then I'd go for it. At your age that's great you want the experience, which is helpful when finding further employment. We can't do anything about what is out of our control. Unfortunately society is not how we would like it but we just need to do our best.
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