Advise Needed - Dog Who Chews Cushions


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Jun 5, 2012
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Somewhere in the South
  1. Other
My collegue has a serious problem with her dog. She found him abondoned and tied up to a lamp post in front of an animal shelter. He had been there all night long and was petrified when she found him.
She thinks that he's quite a young dog. He settled down nicely, seemed so happy and everything was going smoothly until a few days ago. When she came back late afternoon from work, she found that he had been chewing on
the cusions that are on the settee. She has given him bones to chew on and takes him for long walks in the evening. He also has access to a small garden during the week ends.

Does anyone have any advise to why he's suddenly starting chewing on fabric and what can be done. I gather that she's not keen on having a cusionless settee !

Thanx !
I don't leave my dogs for long periods of time but if I had to go out I wouldn't leave them in a room with any cushions as I wouldn't trust them.:p I have left them for a short time and I use baby safety gates to control which rooms they can go into when I'm not there.

Molly chewed a lot when she was young and I gave her stuffed Kongs and they would keep her occupied for a while. KONG Classic - Kong
My dog is on her own for around 7 1/2 hours when I'm at work and she scratches the door.
I was wondering whether the poor mite is suffering from anxiety ?
Could she ask somebody to drop in during the day to walk him?

Have you asked on a dog forum to see if people have suggestions? Some of the members of those forums are dog behaviourists or they just have a lot of experience with dog issues.:)
She doesn't have anyone that can help during the day. I'm not a member of a dog forum so I'll just google the question. Thanks for helping. :)
I think that making sure the dog gets lots of vigorous outdoor exercise could help. And have a special blanket and sleeping area in a safe-feeling place, like a corner.

Before she leaves for work, she could calmly say one short thing like "Bye" and give a chewy treat in his bed so it becomes routine, and hopefully he figures out she is coming back. Dogs can be really smart about knowing what time people get home, so at the beginning it is probably helpful to try to keep a routine.

Bitter apple spray! Spray it on the cushion and makes it taste horrible! Worked for my dog. Of course, she just when and found un-sprayed stuff to chew. Like my shoes.
It does sound like he might be anxious about the separation, especially since he's been abandoned before.
I have read about one technique that might help. The person would give her dog a small treat, pet her and tell her goodbye. Then she would leave for just a minute or two and come back inside. She would then give her dog another treat and tell her how good she was and give her some attention. She would extend the time she left each time, over the next week or so.
I would also remove the temptation items. :p
It does sound like he might be anxious about the separation, especially since he's been abandoned before.
I have read about one technique that might help. The person would give her dog a small treat, pet her and tell her goodbye. Then she would leave for just a minute or two and come back inside. She would then give her dog another treat and tell her how good she was and give her some attention. She would extend the time she left each time, over the next week or so.
I would also remove the temptation items. :p

I've been through 2 dogs with severe SA. In my experience what works best is giving the dog zero attention upon leaving or coming home. Then when you are home and the dog calms down, call him to you and give attention for being calm. With one of mine I had to start with "leaving" through one door and coming in the other. Any longer than that and curtains and doors would be shredded. Fun times but it wasn't too long before I could leave for a few hours.

Anyway, one of my other dogs tore up blankets until he was about 3. My 2 old ladies chewed everything they could until they were around 2. None of them had SA. It was just fun. I crate trained them until they outgrew it though I know all don't agree with that. I certainly didn't have the money to constantly replace things though!

Usually, not always, if it's SA the dog will go after the doors and windows, trying to find you. And often dogs with SA also can't handle being crated.