
  1. Second Summer

    Rape charges dropped against Julian Assange

    More: Julian Assange: Sweden drops rape investigation - BBC News (19. May 2017) However, UK police is still planning to arrest him for "failing to surrender to a court", which is a charge punishable by up to 1 year in prison.
  2. MadamSarcastra

    FAQ (& the answers) regarding WikiLeaks' #DNCLeaks

    What We Know So Far About WikiLeaks' #DNCLeaks And if you'd care to search the DNC or Hillary Clinton email archives, you can do so here: WikiLeaks
  3. robert99

    The man at the Embassy

    Julian Assange says he will 'accept arrest' on Friday if UN rules against him Julian Assange says he will 'accept arrest' on Friday if UN rules against him. The United Nations working group on arbitrary detention is set to hand down a determination on Assange’s case on Friday morning. The...