Health Issues Why We Need to Stop Googling Health Symptoms

I've had colonoscopy both with and without anesthesia....
When it was with anesthesia, it was conscious sedation. Maybe it's partly because of all the fiber I consume in my diet and my insides are kind of used to... ummmmm... heavy traffic- but it wasn't that different for me. Both times, it basically felt like gas pains. But everybody's different. Even when I had it without sedation, they had to have the I.V. in me just in case, because every now and then, someone's colon starts spasming.

I had the first procedure with sedation, of course- it was interesting! I was kind of nervous, they started the I.V. (Versed and Fentanyl), and suddenly my nervousness disappeared- like they flipped a switch inside me. I think it was mostly the Fentanyl, which has been in the news a lot as a cause of deadly overdoses. I can believe it: when I read the report on the procedure later, it was only a tiny bit of Fentanyl they gave me.

My main reason for not having anesthesia is so nobody will have to come pick me up afterwards. Besides, if the stuff is that powerful, maybe it's not so safe? I honestly thought I could have gotten home on my own after I had it with conscious sedation- I get around mostly by public transportation and had no trouble walking. I can understand why they wouldn't want anyone driving themselves.
I was so worried about moving with the scope inside me, that's why I went with the sedation! As you said, concious sedation, but I only remembered bits and pieces of watching the procedure. I did take 3 peppermint oil capsules with my last water, as I've read it helps with spasms
I’m just too fearful a person. It’s better for all involved to just knock me out. 😊

I wish I could be sedated for general dental work. 😁
For me the most important thing to consider is that we all should be informed consumers of our health care. The information we get from random sites on the internet, or friends or talk shows, is not to be considered as verified research--but--that also applies WAY too often to our own physicians, with their diplomas proving years and years of education and vetting.

I had complained of pain in my feet and ankles. Spent my own money on orthotics that further hurt, sent to specialists, fitted for hard boots that caused me to scream when I stood up, sent to cat scans. I knew the internet had just what seemed like it could help me, but I was told that wasn't a factor, because I was taking D2 with calcium and mag daily, as well as going out for walks in unprotected sunlight. I DEMANDED my D be checked (I thought it was routine, why they said it wasn't a factor) I came out at 11, with 30 as the baseline. Taking the initial mega doses and daily d allowed me to walk without my ankles binding in pain. A year later of taking daily 2000 iu I was only at 30, so increased to 5000 daily. Even better.

I had bleeding after not having a period for about a year. I was sent for a pap and a vaginal ultrasound. It was a difficult expensive, invasive, and time taking procedure. I was fine. I then got a blood test that showed - hey, I was never fully in menopause after all! I didn't even need that test. My friend was given a biopsy for the same reason, she's also fine. Kind of extreme when simpler tests could have determined the reason for the symptoms, don't you think?

Doctors advice needs to be monitored, and questioned, as closely as anything else. Since my beloved doctor retired about 20 years ago I still haven't found one I feel is worthy of being my primary. I think I've seen 6 different ones. It's easier to find a dependable car mechanic!

Just think of how little they know of nutrition, when food is often the first defense against getting sick!