Are you aware that some sugar is not considered by some to be vegetarian, let alone vegan?
Well not all sugar is technically vegan. I know you are screaming out right now, trying to work out how sugar of all things could not be vegan, but it is white sugar that is the problem and only white cane sugar. The issue surrounds the cleaning and purification of white cane sugar and how it is made white. It is whitened by passing it through/over animal bone char. So that is charcoal made from all those animal bones that otherwise would end up being buried in the ground.
Sadly it is not just white cane sugar that is "affected". What is know in the US as brown sugar is also affected. Brown sugar is white sugar with molasses added back into it! Thankfully this is not the case in the UK and also not the case with beet sugar. White beet sugar is fine, but working out which company produces what sugar and how it is made is not easy. And to make life even more interesting, there are a few companies that don't use animal bone char to make white cane sugar, but they are few and far between and hold little of the market.
Some interesting reading. and
On the up side, all beet sugar is vegan.
Well not all sugar is technically vegan. I know you are screaming out right now, trying to work out how sugar of all things could not be vegan, but it is white sugar that is the problem and only white cane sugar. The issue surrounds the cleaning and purification of white cane sugar and how it is made white. It is whitened by passing it through/over animal bone char. So that is charcoal made from all those animal bones that otherwise would end up being buried in the ground.
Sadly it is not just white cane sugar that is "affected". What is know in the US as brown sugar is also affected. Brown sugar is white sugar with molasses added back into it! Thankfully this is not the case in the UK and also not the case with beet sugar. White beet sugar is fine, but working out which company produces what sugar and how it is made is not easy. And to make life even more interesting, there are a few companies that don't use animal bone char to make white cane sugar, but they are few and far between and hold little of the market.
Some interesting reading. and
On the up side, all beet sugar is vegan.