Maddie Lymburner, High Carb Hannah, Jon Venus, Jon's wife Katherine Moen, Simnett Nutrition, Mic the Vegan, Family Fizz, Dr Greger, Dr McDougall, Ellen Fisher, Jane Esselstyn, Happy Healthy Vegan, Plant Based News, Cooking with Plants.
I do watch Vegetable Police occasionally. Maddie Lymburner is probably my favourite and I just discovered she lives almost right next door to me. I admire the body builders Jon Venus, Derek from Simnett and Nimai Delgado and the message they send to that space. The families are great to watch especially the pregnant ones (Katherine, Family Fizz and recently Ellen Fisher).
Watching a variety helps to stay on track and as most of them show what they eat it is a great source of new ideas and a way to stay focused. I mostly watch those that are oil free (Family Fizz is an exception) and whole foodies. I have watched a few of avantgardevegan and agree his recipes are more complicated than I am comfortable with and he cooks with oil. Jane Esselstyn and her mom started up a few months ago and I really enjoy seeing the recipes from their books and Rip and Jane's books come to life. They are funny and the videos are short and they are older so that is a nice change as most of the Tubers are young.
I am so thrilled that young people are having such a great impact and are willing to show their lives in this positive way and that is the reason I won't watch Unnatural Vegan as there is way too much negativity in her videos for me.
Cooking with Plants and High Carb Hannah were the first two channels that I learned from almost 2 years ago when we started this journey and I am so happy to see that Anja (CwP) is coming back to YouTube on a regular basis. Hannah has struggled somewhat over the past year and has been honest enough to share those struggles and still provide great recipes and meals and I admire her for that and following their move to a tiny house in Arizona has also made her channel very interesting.
Do I have too much time on my hands....? lol
Emma JC