Vegan youtuber

I like John McDougall's lectures. He seems to advocate a lot more starches than I eat myself but he's a good speaker.

Michael Gregor/ is essential. Very non-ideological which lends to his credibility IMO.

Milton Mills' "Are humans designed to eat meat" lecture is one I come back to fairly often.
Mine are Naomi Smart and Venetia Falconer (UK).
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I'm a huge fan of avantgardevegan, Forks Over Knives, CookingWithPlants, MicTheVegan,, and many many more. YT is probably one of my greatest resources for recipes and on-the-fly info.

I'm a fan of as well, MicTheVegan and also McDougall that Sax mentioned.

Currently a fan of Vegetable Police - he absolutely cracks me up:

I hope they're okay over there. These vegan YouTuber's are on the main Hawaiian island where Kilauea threatens their homes and lives. We wish them well from the Pacific coast of Canada. We're all in the ring of fire. You gotta wonder why we all live in such places, but the truth is, it's incredibly beautiful here. I can't imagine losing my home or living anywhere else.
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Oh, Veganite, I just discovered lily koi Hawaii a couple of days ago! What a coincidence. I also hope they are okay in Hawaii.
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I love Pick Up Limes, Mary's Test Kitchen, and Cheap Lazy Vegan. Avantgarde Vegan was mentioned earlier - he's fun to watch, too - but man his recipes are usually too fussy for my level of patience (but I'd love to EAT anything he makes!)

I find Unnatural Vegan interesting at times. Sometimes I get tired of her continual MO of debunking everything (be it vegan or not), but oftentimes she has a lot of good points.

Finally, I like John Venus. I enjoy watching the male perspective of vegan fitness over female (maybe it's just because he's pleasant to look at, lol.)
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Lily koi hasn’t posted since the eruption :( I have been worried about her too.

My Vegetable Police T Shirt arrived the other day :) He rocks!

Chef AJ is amazing.
Maddie Lymburner, High Carb Hannah, Jon Venus, Jon's wife Katherine Moen, Simnett Nutrition, Mic the Vegan, Family Fizz, Dr Greger, Dr McDougall, Ellen Fisher, Jane Esselstyn, Happy Healthy Vegan, Plant Based News, Cooking with Plants.

I do watch Vegetable Police occasionally. Maddie Lymburner is probably my favourite and I just discovered she lives almost right next door to me. I admire the body builders Jon Venus, Derek from Simnett and Nimai Delgado and the message they send to that space. The families are great to watch especially the pregnant ones (Katherine, Family Fizz and recently Ellen Fisher).

Watching a variety helps to stay on track and as most of them show what they eat it is a great source of new ideas and a way to stay focused. I mostly watch those that are oil free (Family Fizz is an exception) and whole foodies. I have watched a few of avantgardevegan and agree his recipes are more complicated than I am comfortable with and he cooks with oil. Jane Esselstyn and her mom started up a few months ago and I really enjoy seeing the recipes from their books and Rip and Jane's books come to life. They are funny and the videos are short and they are older so that is a nice change as most of the Tubers are young.

I am so thrilled that young people are having such a great impact and are willing to show their lives in this positive way and that is the reason I won't watch Unnatural Vegan as there is way too much negativity in her videos for me.

Cooking with Plants and High Carb Hannah were the first two channels that I learned from almost 2 years ago when we started this journey and I am so happy to see that Anja (CwP) is coming back to YouTube on a regular basis. Hannah has struggled somewhat over the past year and has been honest enough to share those struggles and still provide great recipes and meals and I admire her for that and following their move to a tiny house in Arizona has also made her channel very interesting.

Do I have too much time on my hands....? lol

Emma JC
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Gotta give a plug to this guy. He doesn't seem to be doing all that well on youtube and some of his animations are hilarious!

I liked it. Very amateurish but still clever. I thumbed it up and subscribed. Thanks for sharing.
I love Pick Up Limes, Mary's Test Kitchen, and Cheap Lazy Vegan. Avantgarde Vegan was mentioned earlier - he's fun to watch, too - but man his recipes are usually too fussy for my level of patience (but I'd love to EAT anything he makes!)

I find Unnatural Vegan interesting at times. Sometimes I get tired of her continual MO of debunking everything (be it vegan or not), but oftentimes she has a lot of good points.

Finally, I like John Venus. I enjoy watching the male perspective of vegan fitness over female (maybe it's just because he's pleasant to look at, lol.)

I was a big fan of Unnatural Vegan, too. But I also got tired of her debunking. Especially her critizing of other vegan Youtubers. I think the episode where she uses Cronometer to micro-analyze other vegans "What I eat in a day" videos was the last straw.
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Wow. I think all of mine are already mentioned but here is just what I subscribe too.

Plant Based Science
Sophia Esperanza
Cheap Lazy Vegan
Liv B
The Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show
Bite Size Vegan
Sarah's Vegan Kitchen
Pick Up Limes.
Sweet Potato Soul

Although I subscribe to all these, I don't watch that many. Right now I usually just watch the ones that show you how to cook things. I like cooking with Liv, Sarah, and
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Also forgot to mention the Plant Based Cooking Show - she is amazing and got me out of Junk Veg and into Nutritarianism :)
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I don't think anyone's mentioned Hot for Food yet. Her channel is great, and the food she makes looks amazing.

Oh yeah! I've only recently found her. I haven't tried any of her recipes yet, but I'm sure some day I will.
Ghost Vegan is the best. Unfortunately he retired or went into hiding. His videos "Lament for Vegan Land" and one that I think is called something like dear meat eater are award winning genius. He's the Werner Herzog of vegan YouTube.

I also like Footsoldier, and Bite Size Vegan.

Mic the Vegan is probably the most credible on science, in terms of the environment, agriculture and GMOs.

I'm pleased to see no one said Unnatural Vegan. She's an arrogant pseudo-intellectual who pretends she knows more about environmental science than she does. Her stance on GMOs is absurdly ridiculous, and she appears to hate most other vegans while preferring the company of flexitarians. She apparently has a BA in Philosophy which taught her to argue clearly with big words. Alas, she cannot DO philosophy... Her morality is about as clear minded as a scummy pond, as she seems to believe pedantic conformity to mainstream American culture in most things passes as "maturity." She's a hate-watch for many real vegans I've chatted with online. People doubt that she's even really vegan.

Sometimes I watch Vegan Gains for fun. He's an obnoxious conservative but he's actually pretty smart, cares about the environment, and his right wing vegan militancy is refreshing in that he reaches a group of potential new vegans that many vegans reject or ignore.
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