News Two girls, 12, accused of stabbing another girl were inspired by website


The Fire That Burns Within
Jun 3, 2012
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In the Church of the Poisoned Mind,0,7542400.story

I am so tired of people trying to blame anyone or anything else other than themselves for their actions.

Oh, it was the Internet's fault... yea right.

I played D&D, watched horror movies, and listened to heavy metal as a kid, yet I knew the difference between right and wrong.

Just two evil assholes that deserve to get the maximum sentence possible.
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I'm not sure I believe in the idea of evil, as such. I think instead people being described as evil are suffering from severely limited social and personal development.

I say evil to avoid the words like "crazy" because that effectively excuses their actions.

Nonetheless, I didn't grow up in the best environment, and I never did anything like that.

Lack of social and personal development is just another excuse. 12 years old is old enough to understand the consquences of your actions.
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Morgan Geyser, the accused accomplice, was not so conflicted: "It was weird that I didn't feel remorse," she told a detective, the complaint said. She later added that it was "probably wrong."

I'm glad they're being tried as adults, and hopefully they get a life sentence.

I think it's human nature for most people to try to place the blame anywhere but on themselves.

I call my ex-roommate evil (the one who enjoys abusing her elderly father among other things), but she is obviously mentally ill. That doesn't excuse the behavior though, and I think she should be locked up in a mental ward or a prison for life. I feel the same way about these two girls.
There's a buddhist saying, BC; Never judge anyone untill you've walked a whole lifetime in their shoes.

Not the exact same shoes, perhaps?

Assuming they are guilty, and planned the whole thing on their own, there is little walking that's necessary.

Lot's of people endure hardships of various kinds, that still doesn't justify premeditated murder against someone who wasn't a threat.
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Do you think they should be locked up with adult prisoners at 12 years of age?

Or with other 12 year olds convicted of lesser crimes?

These girls are obviously very clever, conniving, deceitful, and can smoothly lie through their teeth, and could pose a real threat to the other children convicted of lesser crimes. I'm betting that they don't have the capacity for empathy or remorse, so any chance of real rehabilitation is slim.
These girls are obviously very clever, conniving, deceitful, and can smoothly lie through their teeth, and could pose a real threat to the other children convicted of lesser crimes. I'm betting that they don't have the capacity for empathy or remorse, so any chance of real rehabilitation is slim.
So we want them in an adult prison?
Do you think they should be locked up with adult prisoners at 12 years of age?

Or with other 12 year olds convicted of lesser crimes?

My first choice would be in a psychiatric hospital, but if the choice were between walking free or prison, then prison. As far as I know they usually put minors in a juvenile facility until they turn 18 and then transfer them to prison.
I believe they are sociopaths which can't be cured or treated to the point where they wouldn't be a safety risk. They would be a very big danger to society if they were to go free as they've already proven that they are willing to kill for fun.
Do you think they should be locked up with adult prisoners at 12 years of age?

Or with other 12 year olds convicted of lesser crimes?

Psychopaths can't be fixed. They need to be kept where they can't possibly do this again. I don't think they belong with the 12-year-olds who took the car for a joy ride or something.

Commit an adult crime, do adult time.

We put dogs down for way less than this.
At 12 years of age, a person is still a child, and therefore has capacity for further personal growth and development. Which is why I think treatment is both possible and society's responsibility in this case. Even if they can't be fully cured, there is a possibility of at least partial success, so perhaps they won't have to be locked away forever.

So some kind of mental hospital seems appropriate here.

Edit: But I also think an element of punishment is necessary, at the same time.
It's very hard for me to comprehend how two twelve year olds (or anyone) can do this. I am of the mindset that there has to be something seriously wrong with them. I agree punishment is necessary and warranted.

Perhaps believing in evil would be easier. Then I wouldn't have to wonder what went wrong in their lives to make them do something like this. If it is mental illness and/or some kind of disconnect, we should try and find out just what the case is.
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Commit an adult crime, do adult time.

Say a 12 year old does something VERY adult and VERY good, Wolfie.

Would you object to their reward being the keys to your car, a porn video, a bottle of whiskey and a pack of cigarettes?

Point simply being that it's a total pile of bollox to say that we should treat 12 year old's like adults when 12 year old's do adult things.