The U.S. Milk Business Is in 'Crisis'

There was a story last night on the local news about the price of milk. They interviewed some people outside a grocery store about the price of milk and then later stated milk could go up to $8.00 a gallon possibly.

They also showed quick shots of I'm sure, a local dairy. There are several around here. The pictures were far from the idea 'California Cows' one sees in the advertizements (for those who have seen them) They showed a cow with a very large udder trotting away in nothing but mud from probably the milking room. Also calves being bottle fed of coarse. Taken away from their mothers.

The scenes were very upsetting to me. I wonder if some other viewers made any connection with the story other than the price of milk. I didn't always of coarse as a former omnivore myself.