Animal Advocacy The animal rights protesters disrupting Joe Biden

Amy SF

Dweller in nature
Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
I'm liek, in Cali, dude.
  1. Vegetarian
The animal rights protesters disrupting Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders rallies, explained

On an otherwise triumphant Super Tuesday, former Vice President Joe Biden’s victory speech in Los Angeles was interrupted by two protesters (Sarah Segal and Ashley Froud) wielding signs reading “Let Dairy Die.” Security escorted them out. But they’d accomplished their mission of getting on nationwide TV on the biggest night of the presidential primaries.

The protest followed similar direct actions at recent Bernie Sanders rallies, where topless protesters have interrupted the events, among them two women with “Let Dairy Die” written on their chests.

It’s been a primary season with a lot of twists and turns, to the point where little feels surprising anymore. But leading Democratic candidates being plagued by militant animal rights protesters still seems odd. Who were these people, and why were they protesting Biden and Sanders?

Amy, good pickup. I just heard about this.

I really like Vox. And I thought this was an excellent piece of reporting.