Tesco PC Roasted veg,houmous & harissa sandwiches

Brian W

Conscientious Christian
Jun 15, 2018
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Tesco Plant Chef Roasted veg, houmous & harissa sandwiches

When I was in England, M and I needed sandwiches to take with us to Avebury and we came across these Plant Chef Roasted vegetable, houmous and harissa sandwiches Tesco. I wasn't too sure because my tastes in sandwiches are rather conservative but I thought I would give it a try. They were so delicious, and more so because they weren't trying to replace animal products but were simply vegetables being vegetables. I highly recommend them if you come across them!


Yes, they are nice. They are usually in every Tesco I've been to as well.
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When I was in England, M and I needed sandwiches to take with us to Avebury and we came across these Plant Chef Roasted vegetable, houmous and harissa sandwiches Tesco. I wasn't too sure because my tastes in sandwiches are rather conservative but I thought I would give it a try. They were so delicious, and more so because they weren't trying to replace animal products but were simply vegetables being vegetables. I highly recommend them if you come across them!


These are amazing! I have gotten them at Tesco Digby in Exeter, Devon, UK, before!
I keep reading this as Tesco Plant Chief Roasted.
Like Tesco has a factory and its boss is roasted at his retirement dinner.
Well the words Chef and Chief are etymologically the same. In Swedish, "chef" means boss, not cook.
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Thank you SO much for posting this recipe! We don't have Tesco in the States and I've been seeing these Vegan items from Tesco mentioned on various veggie boards and have wanted to try them. Will make this recipe. Thank you, Brian!
You are very welcome!