Health Issues Should I Be Tested For Cancer ? - Book


Staff member
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
Somewhere in the South
  1. Other

"Getting tested to detect cancer early is one of the best ways to stay healthy—or is it? In this lively, carefully researched book, a nationally recognized expert on early cancer detection challenges one of medicine's most widely accepted beliefs: that the best defense against cancer is to always try to catch it early. Read this book and you will think twice about common cancer screening tests such as total body scans, mammograms, and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests..."
I still think that early detection is best. I've known too many people that have passed away from rapidly progressing cancers due to late diagnosis. If caught earlier those people might still be here today.
Sounds like a really interesting book, although not one I'd read atm. I've heard it said before that screening too much for some cancers doesn't improve/worsens the overall health of a population because people have procedures unnecessarily due to mis-diagnosis. I don't know any of the facts/studies/etc, but it does make me think that a healthcare system that isn't driven by profit will avoid some of the problems of over-screening/etc.