Science friday/ probiotics/ & my sister


Forum Legend
Jun 8, 2018
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San Mateo, Ca
  1. Vegan
So yesterday Science Friday had a section on Probiotics. IMHO, it was pretty uninformative and ambiguous.

But I listened to it because my sister told me that she had called in and they took her call. She was the last caller.

I had been taking a probiotic for a while but when it ran out I didn't notice any difference so I didn't get any more. I was thinking of getting some more. I just hadn't gotten around to it yet. Now I'm even less in a hurry.

Listen to Yellow Fever and Ebola, Trans-boundary Aquifers, Probiotics. Aug 24, 2018, Part 2 from Science Friday in Podcasts.
Thanks for sharing! From what I understand about probiotics (and I am no professional by any means), but it is very important that the probiotics be "live" when you take them and it is very difficult to keep them live from production to consumption.

I had the same experience where I stopped taking probiotics and didn't notice much of a difference, but I might try again if I find the right product.
Thanks for sharing! From what I understand about probiotics (and I am no professional by any means), but it is very important that the probiotics be "live" when you take them and it is very difficult to keep them live from production to consumption.

I had the same experience where I stopped taking probiotics and didn't notice much of a difference, but I might try again if I find the right product.

I'm no expert either. I also thought the "live" thing was important. For me, it was questioning if Frozen Yoghurt had any value. but my sister pointed out that when we buy yeast it isn't "live" but give it some water and food and it goes to work.

And that our stomach is a very inhospitable place. The acids are supposed to kill bacteria. And what was pointed out on Science Friday, we want the bacteria in our large intestines. So best bet would be a delivery system that makes sure that happens. Some kind of time-release capsule maybe. But again according to the expert on Science Friday, if such a thing exists it hasn't really been investigated or tested.
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Ok? I'm young-ish (still 30s) and my personal doctor person remarked I showed testing to a person half my age as a vegan. I wanted to dance and sing and flaunt to him it was probably because I was vegan. I really don't do anything special, I do eat a varied diet and honor cravings (like for fermented foods or fatty foods). I drink alcohol so am not a perfect health freak by any means, I think my doctor showed surprise because though I'm not overweight I'm a curvy gal who isn't excessively thin or "raw" or health conscious in a strategic way.

The only supplements I continuously take are B12, and less continuously seratonin to alleviate insomnia (brain that won't quit, a curse I've had since late childhood, a brain that loves horror movies and Saturday Night Live and classic rock and WORLD DEATH BY FIRE BECAUSE EITHER GLOBAL WARMING OR APOCOLYPSE).

I've never shown a problem by consciously stopping probiotics or any other supplement (including DHA or calcium).

I do have creepy thoughts though, like what if I had to use my iodine tablets on the Northern CA water because we had the Cascadia Megathrust event, and then I would want to be as sober and efficient as possible, but those are very extreme thoughts, like I want to be in Cave Woman health so I can fight Saber toothed tigers.
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