Safety Pins


Foot Fetisher
May 31, 2012
Apparently, some folks in the UK wore them after Brexit. I didn't hear about safety pins until a day or two after the election. I've been a critic ever since.

I'm not alone.

...I won’t trust anyone just because they are wearing a safety pin. No, it won’t give me any comfort. I will trust actions, nothing more, nothing less. I wear my blackness every single day, and people don’t have to look for it to target me. Don’t make me look for your symbol of support. Show it every day in your words and deeds.
From the article:

Yep, this is a perfect example of SJW behavior and tactics...

"Within hours, hundreds of white people had flooded my Facebook page and Twitter feed in defense of their safety pins. I was told that I was part of the problem. I was told that I was being divisive. I was told that my skepticism was making people sad. None of the commentators seemed to be aware that telling a black woman that she was wrong to question white people is kind of the opposite of racial solidarity in a country where the majority of white voters just elected Trump."

Then, I was called racist. A few times. I was called an *******. I was called an idiot. I was told I had no brain. Multiple people vomited all their “social justice credentials” on my page and demanded that I acknowledge that they were good white people. Some accused me of censoring them with my critique. Others accused me of shaming them. One white woman demanded an apology and then told me that she deserved respect because her ancestors fought for the North in the civil war.

Then, a white woman emailed a radio show that I frequently appear on, demanding that they cancel my appearances. I know this, because she then wrote a post bragging that she had done this. This woman was trying to take away a source of my income. All because I questioned her safety pins."
I don't understand why safety pins were chosen as a symbol. Why not jelly beans, or toothpicks, or Q-tips? It seems totally arbitrary.
I don't understand why safety pins were chosen as a symbol. Why not jelly beans, or toothpicks, or Q-tips? It seems totally arbitrary.

"safety" pins. As in, a symbol of being safe.

But, vaguely clever wordplay aside, it seemed at best a hollow gesture to me. And apparently it's already been hijacked by white supremacy groups anyway.
How typical. A bunch of males mansplaining a solidarity symbol created by women, using an object that has meaning mostly to women because it's a household object used mostly by women. :rolleyes: It's part of a centuries-old pattern of men dismissing any idea that comes from women as silly and frivolous and lacking TRUE meaning because it didn't come from men.

Why Safety Pins Symbolize Resistance: A Short Explainer
The article was written by a women....
It's true. Ijeoma Oluo is a woman.

Autumn Whitefield-Madrano is, too.

There is one thing about what’s going on that’s in my wheelhouse, so yes, let’s talk about safety pins. What the **** are you thinking? We’re looking at the possibility of mass deportations and the impulse is to ask what you can wear to the revolution?

A more important part of the article:
Here are a few places to start actionwise; these are roundups of specific, varied ways each of us can help overcome this. Find what works for you, then do it.
Wearing safety pins doesn't do anything by itself. But then, taking to the streets to protest doesn't do anything by itself either. The same can be said about venting on here. The same can be said about writing an article criticizing the safety pin "movement."

Symbols can be important, but remember that you are defined by your actions first and foremost.
Yep, this is a perfect example of SJW behavior and tactics...

I challenge you to go 72 hours without using the phrase "SJW" as a 'response' to rhetoric you don't agree with. You may find that a lot less people immediately roll your eyes and dismiss whatever you're saying as a result!

Come on, folks. It's not as simple as SJWs and Neckbeards. Let's try to be a little bit more even-handed here.
Just in case you didn't notice, the author of the article, a black women, mentioned social justice in a negative context in the article.

And I dare you to go through all of my post and show that I use SJW as a label for Everything I disagree with.

I only use the term when I see people using tactics similar to those mentioned in the article in an attempt to censor others.

And even if I did use the term for everything I disagree with, well unless you didn't notice, there's a pesky little thing in this country called freedom of just deal with it.

And no, freedom of speech isn't solely used by people as an excuse to say mean things to others.

I challenge you to go 72 hours without using the phrase "SJW" as a 'response' to rhetoric you don't agree with. You may find that a lot less people immediately roll your eyes and dismiss whatever you're saying as a result!

Come on, folks. It's not as simple as SJWs and Neckbeards. Let's try to be a little bit more even-handed here.
I only heard about this quite recently. I saw a woman wearing a safety pin the other day and I thought it was weird as it was just above her name badge, I thought she had been wearing a flower and it had fallen off or something. If you wear a poppy or a pink or red ribbon at least people know what that symbol means. I didn't know what a safety pin is meant to represent so I assume I wasn't the only one.

I saw on TV that some people were throwing their trainers (sneakers) away as the company had something to do with Donald Trump. I have no idea why people think that throwing away footwear will improve the situation.:confused::p

ETA - I just read that was in the link that Spang put up.

Do not burn or throw out your New Balance shoes. Some people, after reading that New Balance offered support to the Trump regime (which the company has since clarified) have wanted to stop supporting the company. Great! But don’t release the chemicals from burned rubber into the air or throw your shoes into landfill. Donate your shoes here, or you can take them to any Nike store where they company will grind them into material for playgrounds. They will take any brand. And yes, I know, Nike, but you can give them your old sneakers.
And even if I did use the term for everything I disagree with, well unless you didn't notice, there's a pesky little thing in this country called freedom of just deal with it.

And no, freedom of speech isn't solely used by people as an excuse to say mean things to others.

Freedom of speech means the government can't arrest you for your opinions. It doesn't mean you can speak without consequence or rebuttal.
I challenge you to go 72 hours without using the phrase "SJW" as a 'response' to rhetoric you don't agree with. You may find that a lot less people immediately roll your eyes and dismiss whatever you're saying as a result!

I will continue to express my opinion, and I really don't care if people roll their eyes and dismiss me. Stop trying to censor people that don't agree with you.

Can you go 72 minutes without bringing up LGBTQA issues?
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I believe we are truly living in fascist times when a simple symbol of solidarity is mocked and questioned and outright rejected as silly and inconsequential. Don't you people get it? I'd rather see someone wearing a safety pin in solidarity than a swastika or another symbol of intolerance and hate.
There's a woman selling safety pin necklaces on Etsy for $335. Part of that $335, 10 percent, goes to Planned Parenthood.

Just donating $335 to Planned Parenthood would be better. You can even put the donation in Mike Pence's name.