Pope, go vegan for lent.

Wait a sec... isn't the Pope supposed to be vegan during lent? I thought this was the case because Orthodox Christians do. Are Catholics different?

Orthodox people call this fasting (not vegan:)) 40 days with no animal products and the last week oil is not allowed either (historically they used to store olive oil in sheep hide receptacles).
Let's all pray that the Pope accepts the challenge. And pray that the "charity of his choice" is something compassionate.
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Pope, what would Jesus think of factory farming?

Pope Francis has talked extensively about factory farming etc. It's one of the reasons why some traditional conservative Catholics don't like him. In Laudato Si he referred to animals as our brothers and sisters and has told Catholics to eat less meat. This is the logical next step, it would be really exciting if he did. I don't know though, he might consider it an ethical bribe, this is the Roman Catholic Church we are talking about.
Catholics give up something for lent and don't eat meat on Fridays (though fish is allowed). Info comes from years of catholic upbringing and school.
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