Pig gets rescued


Forum Legend
Jun 8, 2018
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San Mateo, Ca
  1. Vegan
Is it just my newsfeed or are animals in the news more often?

In summary:
Piglet falls off truck.
Rescued by good sam.
Goes to live in a sanctuary.

I thought the article use of the phrase "final destination" was compelling. but then I realized that a piglet is not bound for slaughter. There will be another truck ride for that. But ... well... poetic license.

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I love news with a happy ending. It's all too rare in the news these days. I guess good news doesn't sell as well as bad news.

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. I guess good news doesn't sell as well as bad news.

Hopefully, that's it. I'm inclined to believe there just isn't that much good news.

On further consideration, I gotta give kudos to the local Fox news reporter. Turned a story about a pig falling off a truck to a nice feel-good story about Randy's Rescue Ranch.
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