UK Organ Donation


A panel of scientists and legal experts appointed by the government has drawn up a recommendation that will form the basis of new guidelines for Japan's world-leading embryonic research.
There is widespread support in Japan for research that has raised red flags in other countries. Scientists plan to introduce a human stem cell into the embryo of an animal – most likely a pig – to create what is termed a "chimeric embryo" that can be implanted into an animal's womb.
That will then grow into a perfect human organ, a kidney or even a heart, as the host animal matures.
*Warning: operation picture on page*
"Preventable medical errors are the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S." its not isolated to organ donation. You can die in a hospital in any number of ways, which is unfortunate, but has really nothing to do with organ donation specifically. They are just particularly gruesome stories that catch people's attention and sell news.

Not that I'm saying everyone should be an organ donor, I really don't care what people do with their corpses,I just think that reasoning is flawed.
"Preventable medical errors are the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S." its not isolated to organ donation. You can die in a hospital in any number of ways, which is unfortunate, but has really nothing to do with organ donation specifically. They are just particularly gruesome stories that catch people's attention and sell news.

The reason most hospitals now mark, while you're still conscious and before going under anesthesia, the exact location on your body where surgery is going to be performed, is as an additional safeguard so that the wrong thing isn't done. That's because the wrong limb has been amputated, the wrong kidney has been removed, etc., on a not infrequent basis.

Personally, I would hope that anyone who doesn't want their organs donated will also elect not to have an organ implanted in them if the need arises. IMO it would not be ethical to accept an organ if you're not willing to donate.
I've been listed as a donor for many years, but just recently changed my mind. Not sure about anywhere else, but here in California you can control your donor status online. I've changed mine from an organ donor to available for research only, for a few reasons. Partly for the reasons mentioned above and one that no one else has mentioned yet.
I've spent most of my life doing what I can to prevent animal cruelty, which is why I'm vegan. I've read stories of people, who after receiving organs felt good enough to resume past activities such as hunting and fishing. More than likely they will go to multiple omnis, and I hate to think that after I die, I'm enabling not just one, but probably many people to resume hurting animals. I have family members who eat meat, and the thought they wouldn't receive an organ because of that is horrible, but then I think of the factory farming cruelty and the thought that I would be contributing to that after I died sickens me. If I could put a condition on giving an organ, such as having to watch Earthlings or Meet Your Meat, I might be willing to do that.

I didn't want them to go to waste though, so I made them available for research. Plus, I don't think they'll let you die for research organs, the same way they might for organs donated to another person. I once saw someone admit to the same thing on a blog, and she got an unbelievable amount of hate mail, but it's your choice to do what you want with your organs.
Go ahead and tell me I'm awful. :hide:

I don't think you're awful, since you're still donating for research, which is probably just as useful.

However, I don't quite understand the thinking of not donating because the organs will probably be implanted in an omni (which thinking is certainly not unique to you), unless one is also unwilling to pull a drowning person out of a lake, call 911 when someone is in danger, etc., unless one knows the victim is vegetarian. To be consistent, one needs to either put the same conditions on every circumstance in which one is willing to take action to save a life, or just go ahead and take action and let the gods sort the rest.
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Personally, I would hope that anyone who doesn't want their organs donated will also elect not to have an organ implanted in them if the need arises. IMO it would not be ethical to accept an organ if you're not willing to donate.

I wouldn't want one.
"Preventable medical errors are the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S." its not isolated to organ donation. You can die in a hospital in any number of ways, which is unfortunate, but has really nothing to do with organ donation specifically. They are just particularly gruesome stories that catch people's attention and sell news.

Not that I'm saying everyone should be an organ donor, I really don't care what people do with their corpses,I just think that reasoning is flawed.

I don't think it's a common occurrence but would be willing to bet it's happened more than this time but wasn't caught or it didn't make the news. While I think most medical personnel are probably great, I do believe there are a few unscrupulous ones out there. Who's to say it wouldn't happen again if someone rich or a young child could benefit from the organs of someone society sees as worthless or not as important?

I've had a couple run-ins with organ procurement people. Calling them vultures is an insult to the bird. At least the bird waits until you are actually dead.