No...No...Gordon Ramsay. Shame !

This is a shame to see, because it was on the original season of the F Word that Gordon Ramsay appeared to have a bit of a breakthrough. Then again, watching the video, the vegetarian he cooks for does seem to be fully accepting and not at all coerced - there was definitely a time when Gordon would have repeatedly sworn at a vegetarian until they gave in. So, I'm not as mad as I could be I guess. It is still a great shame that he seems to think vegetarian and vegan diets are, de facto, less healthy. That's probably the next step he needs to take, but - realistically - I'm not sure he ever will. Especially since, in the UK, there is not a single vegetarian or vegan restaurant with a Michelin star (although that are a few Michelin recommended venues). This is from 5 years ago (I haven't re-watched it, so fair warning it may or may not be graphic):

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He might think (like many do) that the conditions for pigs shown in the video were an isolated incident, and if instead they are 'organic', 'free range', 'raised with love' ... it's ok to slaughter them.
People think that because they wouldn't treat something badly that no-one else would. My friend told me that she would like to come to a vegan festival with me, but didn't want to hear anything that might put her off bacon. I suppose we all have to come to it in our own time.

It seems the girl in the film just got onto a vegetarian diet by accident.
She didn't seem that committed, I agree. But what ticked me off really was when he starts with the 'protein deficient' talk.