OSes Microsoft Windows 10 is coming

No beta testing for me. I want to be able to USE my computer. :D I like what I see though and will buy it when it is released. Though I have to say.... MS is really SLOW on some of those "new" things. Back in the 90's we had virtual desktops. I have been waiting a VERY long time for Windows to have a functional virtual desktop offering.
I can access my work computer from home in a "virtual" environment via Citrix.

Maybe Citrix has a home version of their product you could use.
I think that might be what is known as a "remote desktop". NX (which also works on OSX and Linux) and VNC are other such remote desktop solutions. A virtual desktop is just a desktop which is larger than what can be shown (simultaneously) on the monitor.
Exactly, or even 3 or 4 extra "monitors". You can then navigate to these other desktops by clicking on a little map in the system tray or with a key sequence such as ctrl-alt-left/right/up/down etc.

At first I thought I had mislead Chryssie, but I still beleive she could use Citrix,
At work I can access two desktops. The main one and the one from my old (pre merger) company.

So that is in effect mutiple desktops, making it both remote and virtual.