

Panic veldtgrass is an invasive species of grass that originated in Southern Africa. In most countries today it is considered a weed. This is a perennial species that typically reaches heights of1 to 1.6 foot. In perfect conditions, it has been known to grow even larger, up to7 feet in height.

Buffalo grass (Bouteloua dactyloides) gets its name because it was a staple food source for the thunderous herds of buffalo that once roamed the interior of the North American continent. People are increasingly digging up their old lawns and replacing turf with buffalo grass because of the minimal maintenance requirements. You only have to cut this type of grass occasionally.
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Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is a plant species native to Eurasia. Perennial ryegrass is used in mixtures of lawn seed to feed cattle and to control erosion. Perennial ryegrass is also used to create turf for golf courses because of its hardiness. In countries where it's imported, this plant is often considered an invasive species.

Is the perennial ryegrass poisonous for humans?

Perennial ryegrass was originally planted as a turf grass in lawns, but its spread is becoming problematic. It is found in agricultural land, wetlands, and disturbed soil areas. In Australia and New Zealand, it is viewed as invasive environmental weed, and it is included on the state invasive species list in both California and Alaska. It can be toxic to both humans and grazing animals. These grasses generate large amounts of seed which are easily spread. The grass outcompetes local plants and leads to a reduction in wildflowers. In a garden setting, perennial ryegrass can be controlled by hand pulling or digging, but otherwise herbicides are needed for larger areas.