Happy samhain, happy halloween and happy world vegan day

I usually don't have a lot of candy, if any. However, I bought some vegan candy, which I have been enjoying.
Thank you! Blessed samhain to you as well. I bought some speciality treats: hummus chips, oatcream and champ's mushrooms. I'm commemorating the dead loved ones. Later Imma read some Lovecraft (I heard a rumor that he got his ideas from some sort of demons).
I'm pretty psyched about the world vegan day, since I hadn't heard of that before.
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I'm pretty psyched about the world vegan day, since I hadn't heard of that before.

Glad you had a good time at Samhain. I hadn't heard of world vegan day either. Unfortunately my com guide called in sick so I didn't get to have chips and go ice skating but I had some lovely soup which was much more nutritious.
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I'm pretty intense with the season, decorating in early October, lighting candles and carving pumpkins the week before, making spooky musical play lists, watching horror movies, eating too much candy, and actually doing some reflection/remembrance which is part of the original meaning of Samhain: to remember the dead, the past, be more spiritually connected, and observe the end of the harvest.

It's also a good time to cast simple candle spells that Western people would probably correlate more with New Years or Valentines. Traditionally European pagans considered this the new year (Samhain actually ends after sundown on November 1) and also cast love spells, I'm guessing this had to do with Beltane being more love-oriented, so if you cast the spell now it you marry in May? IDK.

I didn't remember it was world vegan day until this morning. I wore a vegan tee shirt and told my roommate and one of my classmates, I don't know if I'll do anything special.
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Glad you had a good time at Samhain. I hadn't heard of world vegan day either. Unfortunately my com guide called in sick so I didn't get to have chips and go ice skating but I had some lovely soup which was much more nutritious.
Thank you. Pondering about past and life/death during Samhain helped me to heal my art block that had been going on for the last three years. Happy to hear that you got your belly full. Soup being simple doesn't make it any less delicious. :)
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