
Anonymous Name

Jan 26, 2019
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United States
  1. Vegan newbie
This isnt just for the vegan community but rather all gossip as a topic. Although some are notorious for gossip in the vegan community but really there is something about gossip that really been wanting me to bang my head against a wall. Why do we do it? I’d be lying if I said that i don’t but just everywhere i go someone is always complaining about someone else. Id rather talk about something that makes me feel good about myself or others or ideas to make the world a better place. Or some kind of intellegent conversation. Whenever i talk about someone else i feel like its wasting breath and time and it annoys me because it wastes their breath and time. But i get how it happens. Someone pisses you off and you need to vent. That’s fine. But then it turns into comedically bashing them talking about them behind their backs. Honestly i don’t care if anyone gossips about me, but rather id talk about something else that has more value and is worth the time since we only have so much time to spend. Let’s discuss!
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Gossip is a stress reliever and form of social bonding. I also have no problem ganging up on YouTube stars who exploited veganism to make hundreds of thousands of dollars by selling overly restrictive plant based diets then saying they aren't vegan anymore to get views to make money.

If by "vegan community" what you mean are these exploitative monetization videos, then you are part of the problem not part of the solution. These people should be called out and shamed for essentially being greedy television preachers who mislead the faithful to line their own pockets. To fail to do so is at best naive and at worst cowardice.

If you mean vicious gossip in general of course no one likes a mean gossip. In the Ten Commandments that's called bearing false witness against thy neighbor. Lame.
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Sometimes, when people talk badly behind someone elses back, it's to say "look, I'm better/different compared to that other person". They are being insecure about themselves.

It's completely normal to feel insecure from time to time. You have to accept your flaws before real change can occur. If you shame yourself to change, the change is only going to be shallow.
And change is probably never final, as long as you live. Life changes and challenges us constantly.
We are all imperfect, and that's beautiful. But we can strive to become better versions of ourselves.

You can't control other people, but you can take distance to those who make you feel bad. Or tell them that what they are doing is making you feel bad (gossip), but in that case you can't know how they are going to react.

When I was a child, I used spiritual protection every day. And even now, when I'm adult, I still sometimes cast a protection around me if I feel like I need it. I also meditate. I find it necessary to protect myself from overwhelming negativity. It's very beneficial for my mental health.

Sometimes people inform you, to protect you. "This and that person is abusive, he tried to strangle me." Then it's good to know, to stay away from that person from now on!

The way humans communicate is so complex... I prefer the way cats communicate.
And perhaps, you don't want to take advice from me, regarding social life. As my boyfriend has pointed out, I don't understand social situations.

You might enjoy book, from Anthony De Mello, called Awareness.
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I have a good friend who is constantly keep me updated on community drama and passing along personal information about other people while telling me not to tell anyone else.

It sucks because I feel like anything I tell him in confidence he'll likely pass along to our other mutual friends.