News German man mistakes courgette for WW2 bomb

Second Summer

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Apr 26, 2012
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Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
A German man feared a monster courgette he found in his garden was an unexploded World War Two bomb and called the police.
More: Police find 'WW2 bomb' was big courgette (3. November 2017)
Press release (German): POL-KA: (KA)Bretten - Angebliche Bombe stellt sich als Zucchino heraus

Despite citing the BBC article and the German press release above, both using words like 'courgette' and 'zucchino', and the published picture, a prominent Norwegian news site has mistaken the courgette for an aubergine ...! :fp: :fp: :fp:
[...]I dette tilfellet dreide det seg imidlertid om en 40 centimeter lang og fem kilo tung aubergine. [...]
Ringte politiet da han fant denne i hagen. Full utrykning (4. November 2017)