CA Field Roast to stop selling sausages in Canada


Beach bum
Oct 22, 2012
Reaction score
  1. Vegan
Wow. I feel bad for Canadians but glad it doesn't affect me. I like Field Roast products.
Same here. That sage/apple one is really good. I like that it actually doesn't taste like what I remember of sausage. It's just a nice, flavor-filled plant-based food source. This matching of the nutritional profile also seems odd to me, given that real sausage isn't all that nutritious. I suppose it has to do with using the words "meat substitute" or "grain sausage" or something.
I live in the U.S., but can Canadians at least import their Field Roast favorites on their own?

I'm generally rather fond of meat substitutes, but the last time I checked out their Celebration Roast, it was kind of pricey, and since I hadn't had it before and didn't know what it tastes like, didn't get it.
I'm gonna have to find a different country to buy Field Roast sausages in.