Eyeglass Accessories


Forum Legend
Jun 4, 2012
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I want to tell you about two eyeglass accessories.

1) Eyeglass Holders aka Eyeglass Cords

I use these all the time, but they are kind of hard to find and/or are overpriced. I'm talking about the "Marion the Librarian" cords that hold your glasses around your neck even when you take them off your face. I've found them in Walgreen's ($1.99), Publix ($2.99) and formerly in Kroger. I am also told they are sold in REI, but I think they are extremely expensive there.

I've found them for my friend Karen in Deals (or Deal$), a discount store for only $1 each. The problem is there they are all jewelry like and very feminine. Not really something most men would care to wear.

2) Key Finders

These are sold to help you find your keys, but you could use them to help you find other things, like (in my case) glasses and/or my cell phone*. I am always losing these things. Now there is a "key finder" fob on each one. (The one on my glasses is tied to the back of my eyeglass cord.)

I bought a set made by Sharper Image. I got it for $15 at Bed, Bath and Beyond. It must be an older model, being obsoleted. A newer, more expensive model is here:

Wireless Key Finder @ Sharper Image

There's a video there.

*Someone will say: Why don't your find your cell phone by calling yourself? Two reasons. 1. I only have one phone. 2. I leave the phone off except when I'm using it or expecting a call (to save the battery), so it would not ring even if somebody was calling.