I'm currently a meat eater and it's something I've felt uncomfortable with for some time now primarily from an animal welfare/ quality of life point of view.
I'm sure a lot of you are going to totally disagree with my thought process but here's where I'm coming from.
I've been thinking about it more and more recently and I think I probably feel more uncomfortable with eating dairy products than I do meat. In a previous job, I had to visit a lot of farms and I was really struck by what an awful life dairy cows had. You might think I'm being really stupid here, but to me, their quality of life looked far worse than the animals being farmed for meat (in terms of their diet and the fact that seeing them go off to the milking parlour twice a day with everything that entails made me realise what an awful life they have). As a first step towards changing my diet (and I know a lot of vegans and vegetarians go through a transition stage), I want to cut out dairy products. I wondered if anyone else has done it that way around or if I'm totally mad? Grateful for any advice/tips/ dietry suggestions on giving up dairy.
I'm sure a lot of you are going to totally disagree with my thought process but here's where I'm coming from.
I've been thinking about it more and more recently and I think I probably feel more uncomfortable with eating dairy products than I do meat. In a previous job, I had to visit a lot of farms and I was really struck by what an awful life dairy cows had. You might think I'm being really stupid here, but to me, their quality of life looked far worse than the animals being farmed for meat (in terms of their diet and the fact that seeing them go off to the milking parlour twice a day with everything that entails made me realise what an awful life they have). As a first step towards changing my diet (and I know a lot of vegans and vegetarians go through a transition stage), I want to cut out dairy products. I wondered if anyone else has done it that way around or if I'm totally mad? Grateful for any advice/tips/ dietry suggestions on giving up dairy.