Animal rights is not a "white thing"


I watched this video, and i have to say i was really impressed. It's something people just don't talk about because of the "***"umptions that are made with different cultures/stereotypes.

For Example:

I was at a dentist in New Mexico. Because NM is not culturally diverse, i was stared at constantly in the waiting room. The periodontist apparently tried to "relate", but did not truly know how. It was extremely awkward. He was used to seeing only high status, and basically one culture. A culture he was comfortable with. His own.

When he was working on contouring a row of small chips he noticed on my bottom teeth, he asked how it occurred. I told him i was in a diving accident.

Without even knowing who i am, what my background was, he yelled - yes yelled: "NO YOU WEREN'T!!"

I looked up at him, and he had turned a dark, reddish purple. Even his assistants, and hygienist were surprised.

I calmly said: "Oh, i see.. "we"(tapping my skin) can't swim".. he turned even redder, and started making all types of excuses for his behavior with a 1/2 of an apology thrown in. I gave him one last look, and he finally became quiet, finished his job, and darn near ran out of the exam room.

Even when i was growing up, we were told "Vegans" were only a "certain culture".. Plus, we were told it was for "hippies"..

Watching this video really was an eye opener, because it helped me see my own hypocrisy toward "Plant Based Diet" and "Veganism."

Thank you for sharing this video.. (And that woman is GORGEOUS, by the way!)
Nikki Ford.. She's a vegan chef, and a spear-head for PETA..

and she looks incredible as a tigress.. and once she was a zebra..

I think she's in the "LiveKindly" club as well..
Yes, this young lady does look incredible. But that's not what this is about. I don't like to hear her talk about "not a white thing", because that is not the issue. She may be white, black, green or checkered for all I care, as long as she defends animal rights she's ok with me!
I'm deafblind. Can someone say what the video is about?

It's a speech by an african-american/biracial woman who is an animal rights activist. She says many people think animal rights and veganism is a "white thing". She does protests with PETA and usually she would be the only black person to show up, and that's something she wants to change. Here are a couple of what I think are the important quotes from her speech:

"I wanna get my people to see that we're being exploited by these food companies who do not have our best interest at heart, and our lack of knowledge about going vegan is literally killing us."

"So I'm here to tell you two things. Number one, we can care about more than one struggle. My activism includes everyone and everything. I can't walk past a hungry dog without helping, and I can't walk past a hungry person without helping. I care about the planet and my health is super important to me. I care about it all. And number two, animal activism isn't a white thing, it's a caring thing. Caring for all living beings. And with the right approach I believe everyone can be inspired to be compassionate no matter their background or the color of their skin."
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Alfred Wenzel, I like the idea that the presentation is from her own cultural perspective.

It's not about being an issue. Many people become very uncomfortable when cultures - other than their own, tend to speak from a different experience or perspective. They don't mind seeing minorities - but they don't want to hear them unless it's something they feel comfortable talking about.

Many african americans, and other minority cultures grew up believing this myth.. I, certainly did.

She's not only sharing with other cultures what those beliefs were, she's also shedding light on veganism - from a non-white perspective.

This isn't easy when people don't seem to "get the point" of why she made this video. So let's just say, she's basically speaking from the black, green or checkered point of view. Something that's never really been addressed before..

And what i do like about what she shared? She didn't limit her speech to animal rights.. Her activism encompasses human rights, or all living beings as well..
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It's good to see people from other minority groups. I'm deafblind which is also in a minority. I wish more disabled people would be interested in animal rights and veganism. And I'm interested in Human rights too.
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Race and ethnicity already permeate everything in our culture, in ways that aren't always welcoming to minorities. Is there a reason that explicitly addressing that should bother anyone?
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I'm really surprised and impressed at the responses. I appreciate that people on here not only have an open mind, but open ears. This let's me see there is hope for humanity.

Thank you..