Trying veganism for leaky gut, food intolerances, mental health and inflammatory problems


Dec 18, 2017
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  1. Flexitarian
Hi all,

I'm new here. I'm currently looking into diet to fight several health problems I'm having.

Long story short, I saw the forks over knives film and am willing to give the vegan diet a try.

My biggest health issues are digestive imbalances. I'm basically intolerant to sugar and gluten. Now I know that dairy and meat can cause inflammation too, I'm willing to give that up as well.

I have anxiety issues which is really the main reason I'm going vegan. I've heard some promising things from others.

It's my second day on vegetables (and fruit) and I really do notice some pretty amazing effects. I feel lighter and my skin feels softer. Don't really know how to explain it, but I'm noticing something that seems very promising.

However, I also ate some apples today and do experience some pretty severe fatigue from the sugar in them (like more pronounced than usual). I do have metabolic problems that are caused by a type of glucose/fructose intolerance. I'm sure that all of my problems are connected with the inflammatory responses causing low mood and anxiety. I'm hoping a vegan diet can reverse some if not all of my health issues.

It seems fruit is a problem for me when taken in bigger quantities.

I'm really convinced leaky gut is the culprit in my case, with food particles leaking into my blood and my immune system reacting to it, leading to inflammation all over.

Not sure what I'm really asking with all of this, but I'm hoping to hear some ecnouraging stories from people with inflammatory conditions like mine. I'd like to know how fast these problems can be reversed on a strict vegan diet, and if I should abstain from fruit to reverse the issues with sugar I'm having. I suppose so.

I really, really need to eliminate these inflammatory responses in my body and gut. Veganism seems ideal, but it seems that I will have to limit even this diet.

Any words of advise? Could I reverse my leaky gut issues? I'm also about to megadose on niacin (vit B3) in the hope that, together with the vegan diet, I can finally be healthy again.

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Taking mega doses of vitamins is really not a good thing. Reversing health issues takes time and patience. It doesn't all happen over night. Introduce quinoa, oatmeal, beans and other foods into your diet along with the vegetables. There are a ton of recipes online that are simple and non threatening to a new vegan. Take it slow and find what you like.
I'm trying to help my health probs. It is super hard and can't figure out what to do.
Like amber said huge amounts of vitamins are not safe. Only regular amounts.
Hi, u also need to realise that years of eating incorrectly & having inflammation takes it's toll. I'm severely lactose & gluten intolerant so have been ill most my life. I had severe leaky gut so i had to repair this while going healthy. It took me 1 & half years & i'm 100% better. This is what i did. I drank renew life's Intestinew for about 8 months while going dairy free. Intestinew has L-glutamine which repairs the gut wall. I was making health juices in morning & added renew life fibre smart to stop constipation, you can also take psillium husk, i think fibre smart powder better if u r very sensitive. I started taking optibac for women probiotic on a daily basis, the renew life ones were too strong & my tum wud bloat & b very sore. I was doing these 3 things every day along with a food grown multi vitamin, 72+ minerals & aloe vera juice. I used all good quality organic. I was taking alot of stuff in beginning as my gut was very bad. After the women optibac i took the flat tum one & then the everyday one. I worked my way from very weak probiotics to stronger ones. I also slowly introduced fermented foods. I went dairy free, then gluten free, then yeast free, then oil free except for coconut oil & then sugar free & then very minimal natural sugar. I did this in a step by step stage. I did this by substituting what i couldn't have for a began version so was never without. U need to heal the gut & build the good bacteria back up in your gut & kill bad bacteria. If u only just eat healthy u will not last. I also found that oil of oregano takes away alot of cravings & sugar cravings. Tastes awful so u can buy wild oregano oil capsules. Hope all this helps & good luck. Xxx
When i started i was taking about 25 things per day, divided into b4 food & after food. I took mainly liquid forms where i could & when it was vapsule form i wud open them up so as not to take loads of veg capsules. I was also taking the solgar liquid drops for Vit E, Vit B12 & Vit D. Get a very good quality omega 3 oil. What i highly recomend is to see a kinesiologist b4 buying anything as they can test u & tell u exactly what will strengthen u & whst infections u have. I saw a naturapath, homeopath & kinesiologist & the kinesiologist was what helped me the most. Don't worry bout taking alot of supplements as your body needs to be built up after years of nutrient deficiency. I'm well now but still take 12 supplements per day. When vegan u need to take omega 3 & vit b12, i still take Vit D as no sun in uk. Lol. Still drinking psillium husk in mornings as makes me feel full so eat less & also makes tum regular. Try get supplements in liquid or powder form & if u can't, open up capsules into morning health juice. Xxx