News Trump and the Palestine - Israel peace process

Second Summer

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Apr 26, 2012
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Oxfordshire, UK
  1. Vegan
Donald Trump’s upcoming visit to Israel and Palestine will present the U.S. president with a dilemma: Will he take the road to achieve a just and lasting peace in our region based on the interests of U.S. national security? Or will he continue on the path of granting Israel political impunity and monetary funds to advance its apartheid regime in occupied Palestinian lands.
More: Trump must solve Netanyahu's ‘no-solution’ option and bring Israel's apartheid to an end | Opinion (22. May 2017)

I must admit I'm not holding my breath here. Surprisingly though, the author of the above piece, who is the leader of the Arab Movement for Change party, and deputy speaker of the Israeli parliament, appears to have an optimistic outlook.