Animal Advocacy Stay Positive - Combat Compassion Fatigue !


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Jun 5, 2012
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I stumbled across the following comment on the following site :

Focus on the Change.

''One thing that has stuck with me when I used to get down about things is to focus on the change that is happening and how I’m contributing.

As one person I have a voice, and I can use that voice to make a positive change. Over a lifetime by just being vegan you have already contributed more to fighting global warming and saving animals than all the people you know that aren’t vegan combined! Balance the negative with the positive. This is key.

It’s not easy, by any means, but for the sake of your own sanity, health and wellbeing, stay positive and surround yourself with the things that are
progressing in the right direction. The more of the right things that you surround yourself with, the happier and more positive you can be.

Think about just the amount of people that would have become vegan in the last decade. Statistics show that in most developed countries it has
increased by at least 350%. Whether it’s for health, animal welfare or the environment, we are changing as a human race on a global scale and veganism is much more globally recognised now.''

This makes sense. It's like feeding that one stray kitty or bird that needs help. By doing so you have made a huge difference.
Don't get swamped by the compassion fatigue and focus on what you can do for an animal in need.

How To Stay Positive When You Know The Truth About The Food System
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