Sainsbury's - Article on L 214 Site


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Jun 5, 2012
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Des supermarchés au Royaume-Uni vont promouvoir le végétarisme ! | BLOG L214

I was pleased to see the following article on the L214 website,which is a new association for animal rights, concerining Sainsbury's. The chain is promoting more and more vegetarian products. The vegetarian food is now placed in the meat aisles and not separately. The are also more vegetarian options in the free recipe leaflets for customers. Sainsbury's is setting an example for French super/hypermarkets as there are still very few choices for vegetarians and vegans in the stores.

The association is gaining more publicity and members as the months go by. The co founder is often invited to radio chat shows. I'm amazed by the work that both founders are doing.

As the article is in French you would have to use google translate.
But I like avoiding the meat aisle. It's sad and smells like dead things :(
If it's anything like our local Waitrose, I think it's OK in the freezers with doors, especially if it's separated a little. That stuff doesn't really smell much. But yes, if you mean in the fresh meat area, or the open freezers (?), that stuff is vile, it stinks of death. I always try to avoid that area.
If it's anything like our local Waitrose, I think it's OK in the freezers with doors, especially if it's separated a little. That stuff doesn't really smell much. But yes, if you mean in the fresh meat area, or the open freezers (?), that stuff is vile, it stinks of death. I always try to avoid that area.

The reason to have both vegetarian options and meat is to sway over more non vegetarians into buying the latter. These options are only available in aisles where meat is already packed.
I think that any new idea put into place is a good thing, if more and more people eat less meat in the long run.

You lot should see what a typical French hyper/supermarket looks like…..:(
Oh I missed the bit that said it was the freezer not the fridge, that's not as bad.