Ban fur farms in Norway


Forum Legend
Sep 15, 2013
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We have a petition in Norway now for banning fur animals in Norway. November 2014 it was deliverd a suggestion to our politicans about having a ban against both having fur farms in Norway, and importing fur. So NOAH have now made the petition that shall be given to our prime minister and politicans to show there is a broad support to ban fur farms in Norway.


The text is in Norwegian, but where you sign in English.

Google translation (I'm not very good at translations, but I think you'll get a grip on what's in the text. Perhaps Indian Summer could correct the world and sentence that is strange?)

Your main signature for animals!

Now is the opportunity here: Norway may soon go down in history as one of several countries that prohibit organized mistreatment of fur ! Parliament must in the near future voice over the final liquidation of the fur industry and government should simultaneously consider the same. It is now more important than ever that politicians get to feel the strong commitment that exists - that we are very many who care and supplied!

NOAH , as the nation's largest organization for animal rights , now starting a petition against fur farming - and the signatures must be submitted to the parliament and prime minister Erna Solberg. Sign the call to Prime Minister and Parliament on a final ban on fur farming in Norway ! This is your main signature for fur animals!

A representative proposals prohibiting fur farming and import of fur from such production , was delivered to the Parliament from the Green Party in November 2014 - and Parliament must therefore take a position on fur farms . Meanwhile requested cooperation and coalition parties in the budget compromise , the government to " consider ban on Norwegian fur farms ." Politicians have given many promises for fur animals they have not kept . We must show that we do not accept this. We must show that we NEVER give us prior fur farming is prohibited.

2014 marked the NOAH 25 years struggle for fur animals and ban fur farming . During these 25 years has a stable majority of the population , a total fashion Norway , professional bodies including Veterinary Association , and several political parties placed themselves on fur animal side. NOAH torchlight against fur 2014 total 7000 attending in 15 cities around the country , and is the largest celebration of fur throughout Europe.

Anyway still live about 800 000 decreases and foxes in cramped wire cages each year without getting outlet for their natural behavior , and only to die to become an unnecessary fur product. Let the politicians a clear message with your signature : No more empty words - we require empty cage !

More information about fur animals live :

Support NOAH work for fur animals by becoming a member :

Letter to:

Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Parliament
A majority of the Norwegian people do not want fur farming in Norway . I'm one of them.

Our requirement is that the government and can now follow the people's will and Veterinary Association Council, and put down fur industry well so several countries in Europe have done.

Your party has promised to " implement measures to ensure that Norway is at the forefront when it comes to animal welfare ." To liquidate fur farming is such a measure - currently the most pressing in . It is not the offenses on fur farms is the main issue, it is the fact that fur animals live their entire lives in cramped cages an are legitimate.

We hope and believe that you go down in history as the prime minister of Norway that shows that you respect animal welfare and the Norwegian people's desire that Norway should not lag behind in animal welfare issues.


Btw, there is a documentary about fur farming in Norway that will air tomorrow on "NRK Brennpunkt", I believe. I know (vaguely) the guy who made it.
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It's on the Internet from tomorrow: Link

I guess it would be only in Norwegian with no English subtitles. But at least it would be pictures to watch. I think it will be quite uniqe, as he has had the opotunity to film in secret for so long time.
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