Whatcha Eatin?

Yorkshire tea with sugar and soya milk! That to me is proper tea.

I have been trying to have herbal tea, but nothing beats proper tea.
Yeah! Nothing can beat the red-label Yorkshire tea (I enjoy it with some milk - usually grey Oatly - or as it is). Herbal tea is fine in the evening - it won't keep you awake until 3 a.m. -, but proper tea is, well, proper tea.
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A small slice of ww sourdough artisan style bread with spread and a smither of
Boursin chive and garlic cream cheese. The latter was good but if it didn't have the garlic
it would make me happier.
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A slice of toasted organic ww artisan bread with spread and Marmite. Toast really does taste so much better
when using sourdough artisan bread compared to supermarket sliced loaf.
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An omelette made with homemade Just Egg, a chopped-up Beyond breakfast sausage patty, onions and some vegan mozzarella topped with hot sauce; blueberries from the freezer.
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yesterday brunch was the usual beans on toast and a side of Just Egg patty and orange/banana slices

today will be noodley soup

Emma JC
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Pureed cauliflower soup with a sprinkle of yeast flakes/smoked paprika and a drizzle of evo.
Ww artisan toast with Boursin cream cheeze.

Apple puree with Alpro plain soya yogurt/sweetener.
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I'm going to make hash browns, toast, baked beans and grilled tomatoes.
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Brown lentil & vegetable soup with soya curls plus a sprinkle of smoked paprika/yeast flakes & a
drizzle of evo.
An orange.
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