The Good Memories thread

As I understand it, Halloween was originally a sort of Celtic festival of the dead, and they thought that at this time, the barrier between this world and the next was easier to reach across than at other times. I'm about half Irish, and this past October 31st happened to be on a Monday. I think I've posted about the Monday Candle Ceremony that is done at various places around the world, but at 10PM Eastern time. Late October is at least somewhat close to either the anniversary or presumed birthdays of cats Tomkit (1956), Peasant (1963), Ambrose/Fluffy (1979- actually I started taking care of him around mid-summer, but I was thinking of him), Riley (late November 1994), and Crystal (September 2001); also Dory the hamster (late October 1996). So I celebrated their lives, and managed to keep it happy.

I neither saw or felt any ghosts, though (either human or animal); I never have, but often think I'd like to.
Still feeling the void of not having Bratt. He’s there, everywhere I look, everything I do.
I’m fine…it’s just odd how I still feel his presence. Joon has become so needy. She literally has to be with me every second. She was always affectionate but just more so now. Could be coincidence. Maybe she just realizes there’s one less cat for me to give my attention to and she’s taking advantage, lol.

And there’s the guilt…every so slightly, always in the back of my mind. The darned Prozac hiding his symptoms. If he wasn’t on the medication I would have noticed the changes in him sooner, instead of thinking it was the prozac causing the changes.

I need to bring Stella in for a check up but they want me to give her gabapentin two hours beforehand. I’m so nervous about it. I know it’s a safe medication and if it’s going to help her not be such a maniac, it’s a good thing. I just have this irrational fear of medications.
Lol…after his second surgery when he broke his leg at a year old. Six months of torture. He had had enough of the crate at that point. Luckily he was allowed out several times a day for exercise/therapy.
I was still awake this past Monday night at 10 pm (Eastern time), which is when some people do that Monday Candle Ceremony for animals who have passed on. I celebrated (with the lamp that was on, not candles): my cat Ripkin and my first rabbit Sony, whose adoption anniversaries are in January from the mid-1990s; my family's cat Peasant, whom we had in the '60s; two neighborhood squirrels we fed back in the 50s (and maybe early 60s?); my first and only hamster, Dory (1996-1999); and the cats Ambrose, Jackie, and Jackie's kittens (whom I knew from 1979 to the early '80s).
I saw her in my dream last night. It's cruel that it's the only way to see her, in memories and dreams.
She was an angel. Taking care of me. 🥺
I thought I was taking care of her, but I think it was the other way 'round.

My baby girl. Wish you were here. :heart:
Oh my gosh. She was the cutest. 🥰💙
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Peasant has been on my mind a lot lately... like the past 3 months. I don't think it's because her adoption anniversary was in late September. But my family had her from September 1963, when my sister and I found her on the way home from school, to early 1972.