
In the order I got them:

Left Wrist - 208345_209531039072274_100000461372262_756111_6274561_n.jpg

Right Shoulder Blade - 250168_251253478233363_90100_n.jpg

Right Side - 319190_292172490808128_100000461372262_1126680_821834630_n.jpg

Right Wrist - 431722_368200846538625_100044027_n.jpg

Left Shoulder Blade - 534475_396873543671355_100000461372262_1444321_460816796_n.jpg

More to come!
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I am crap at uploading photos--still haven't managed to get my avatar done--but i just got my 8th tat on my forearm--an & to celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary.

I wish I hadn't got a vegan tattoo on my wrist as I have OCD with hand washing and it keeps fading too quickly. Also people I don't know well say things like "Is Vegan your child's name?":eek:

I wish I hadn't got a vegan tattoo on my wrist as I have OCD with hand washing and it keeps fading too quickly. Also people I don't know well say things like "Is Vegan your child's name?":eek:

Haha, are you serious?! People are insane.

Have you got a picture of it? :)

I have one on the back of my neck & others planned but I never have money... Bah humbug.
Here is my wrist one. I can't work out how to make it bigger!


Haha, are you serious?! People are insane.

I wish I was kidding.:D
Love yours, R'sMom! And Moll, your's is beautiful!

I'm going to be able to join the group in a month! ;)
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I love my wrist tattoos. :) Wrist tattoos fade quicker than most spots, anyway. Did your artist talk to you about that going in? I don't know what I'd say if someone asked if it was my child's name, but hey, I get a lot of comments on mine anyway. It's all good! :)
I really want a wrist tattoo, but I don't like the idea about fading so quickly. Maybe I'd just get it higher up, like closer to the forearm area. I already have some ideas about what I'd get.
I've also thought of doing a half sleeve, too.
I love my wrist tattoos. :) Wrist tattoos fade quicker than most spots, anyway. Did your artist talk to you about that going in? I don't know what I'd say if someone asked if it was my child's name, but hey, I get a lot of comments on mine anyway. It's all good! :)

I can't remember if he mentioned it actually. I still like it but it is annoying as I've had it redone already and I've only had a it a few years.
Your tattoos are really pretty and feminine R'sMom. I'm not a big tattoo fan myself (don't have any, but never say never huh?), but when done right, I can appreciate the artwork in them.
I love all the tattoo pics! Beautiful artwork and placement. I don't have any tattoos, but I love the way wrist and shoulder blade tattoos look.
I have one, but I can't post from the iPad :( I'll have to remember to do it later.

I love the ones that have been posted so far.
I can't remember if he mentioned it actually. I still like it but it is annoying as I've had it redone already and I've only had a it a few years.
Yeah, my right wrist is holding up well, but I want to get my left wrist touched up. Granted, it was my first tattoo and I messed with it too much while it was healing. I know an artist who has butterflies all over her wrists and hands, and is constantly touching them up!
My wrist tattoo. Had it done almost four years ago. It's not as slanted as it looks in the picture, that's more the way the skin stretches when I turn my wrist around.


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My only tattoo currently is the one featured in my avatar. I have an appointment for my second tattoo on August 11th, however. I am super excited about it.
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My best friend recently passed away suddenly and on his birthday I've got plans to get a tattoo in memory of him. I was sitting on my bed listening to Radiohead (which is just a pile of blankets on the floor because I had just moved to Montreal when he died) and it suddenly struck me!

From the song Let Down "One day I am going to grow wings" right between my shoulders.

The first time we visited the city that we were both so enamoured with together, before eventually moving here, we saw Radiohead. The night before he died, while sitting in the emergency waiting room, we had what would be our last argument - about Radiohead.

I also have a line from one of Pablo Neruda's love poems planned for across the top of my thighs. "I want to do with you what the spring does to the cheery trees" It will probably include cherry blossoms.
That sounds beautiful Renee.

This is my phoenix one on my back. excuse the bruise on my arm, I'm always covered in bruises.:p

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Love that phoenix!!!

This crappy photo doesn't do the work justice at all, but my new addition:
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