You know the pandemic has gone on too long when.....


Forum Legend
Jun 8, 2018
Reaction score
San Mateo, Ca
  1. Vegan
You miss your in-laws
Your dog no longer barks at the Amazon delivery man
Your Netflix queue is empty
The librarian in charge of curbside pick up recognizes you as you come up the walk and has your books ready for you.
The dining room table is now used just to quarantine groceries and mail.
Your pantry is overflowing with staples you bought fearing a reoccurrence of shortages.
Your get rid of the bed in your guest bedroom so that you can have more room for exercise equipment or crafts.
You have been secretly plotting the murder of your spouse/roomate/ children.
You miss going to work
Your weekly zoom conference is the highlight of the week.
The only time you see a person's smile is on facetime (everyone else is masked)

Can you identify? Can you add some to the list.