Religion Why do sports people cross themselves?


Jun 4, 2012
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When they score a goal, or win some game or wotnot.

Is it a Catholic thing?

To me crossing oneself is asking Jesus for protection.
When they score a goal, or win some game or wotnot.

Is it a Catholic thing?

To me crossing oneself is asking Jesus for protection.
Catholic thing. Can mean thank God, or whew that was close, etc. I haven't been Catholic for 30 years, but I still cross myself when I see an ambulance with lights flashing. To wish the person inside well, I guess.
I think some ski jumpers do or at least did this back in the day. Possibly Pavel Ploc, if anyone still remembers him. I can see the need for it when going down those hills!
When they score a goal, or win some game or wotnot.

Is it a Catholic thing?

To me crossing oneself is asking Jesus for protection.

My father used to cross himself as kind of a gesture of amazement, as if to say, "I cannot believe this is happening!"